The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

How many pure people are not characterized by purity *** if they stand beside the Jordanian sea and take shelter

And if he had immersed himself in the boiling sea for his life*** and had not lost his life in the sea of truth, he would not have been pure.

If a person performs a ritual prayer, then he has followed the Sunnah*** The ideal is an ally of the one who passed away

If his intercession is restored, he will return as a loser *** and will be separated from his desires from within the depths of apostasy

And if he washes the palms of his hands and is still *** stingy with what he desires than his first instinct .

Then you have not washed Khadib's palm and wrist *** If the sword of trust

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Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that since purity is cleanliness, we know that it is an attribute of purity, and it is moral and sensory, purity of the heart and purity of certain organs. So, the moral is the purity of the soul from immoral and reprehensible morals, the purity of the mind from the filth of thoughts and resemblance, the purity of the secret from looking at other people, and the purity of the organs. So know that for every A member of moral purity that we mentioned in the book Al-Tanzalat al-Mawsiliyya in the chapters on purification from it, and purity of the senses is one of the filthy things that souls naturally and usually filth, and these two purities are lawful .

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There are two types of apparent sensory purity. One type we have mentioned is cleanliness. The other type is specific, specific actions in specific situations, specific to specific, positive conditions that cannot be added to or subtracted from according to Sharia law. This purity mentioned has three names according to Sharia law: ablution, washing, and tayammum, and this purity consists of three things, two of which are unanimously agreed upon, and one. There is disagreement about it, as there is consensus on both of them: fresh water and dirt, whether it leaves the earth or not, and the one thing that is different about ablution, especially date wine.

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