The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

That matter is a reality by virtue of agreement by looking at it, and if it is knowledge of the matter itself, then the person looking into it is certain, even if he is certain of it in himself due to the ambiguity of the matter, then it is not valid for him to be, with fairness, certain of himself that he did not miss a minute in his view, nor did he miss it for the one who prepared it. He has the path before him without a prophet informing about God, so the later one depends on the earlier one. When we saw that, we knew that God has secrets in His creation, and whoever attains this level of knowledge, no one is stronger in faith than him in what the messengers brought and what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, brought. And peace comes from God, except for those who call to God with insight, such as the Messenger and his followers. Our talk about the comparison is only between these people and the believers, people of imitation, not between the messenge

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The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says in the science of calligraphy that one of the prophets was sent by him. It was said that he was Idris, peace be upon him. So God revealed to him in those forms that God established for him as a king for others.

And just as the king comes Without intention of the Prophet for his coming, just as the form of the script comes without the intent of the one who wrote the script to it, and these are the mothers in particular, then it was legislated for him to legislate, and it is the Sunnah that the Messenger sees to establish in the world, and its origin is revelation. Likewise, the one who wrote the script is born from the mothers of children and the children’s children. So these forms reveal to him the desired matter as it is, and the pronoun in it is like the intention in action, so he does not make a mistake. He, peace be upon him, said regarding the scholars who know the script. Whoever agrees with his scrip

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So when the Messenger comes and in front of him are those who know about God and those who do not know about God and he says to everyone, “Say there is no god but God”

We know with certainty that in that statement, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is a teacher to those of the polytheists who have no knowledge of the monotheism of God, and we know that he This saying also teaches scholars of God and His monotheism that uttering it is obligatory and that it protects them from shedding their blood, taking their money, and taking their descendants captive. For this reason

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “I have been commanded to fight the people until they say there is no god but God, so if they say it, they will be protected.” From me is their blood and their wealth, except by the right of Islam, and their reckoning is with God.

And he did not say until they know, for among them are scholars. So the ruling here i

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Then he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that from his name, the king, Islam was built on five things, so he became a king, testifying that there is no god but God, which is the heart, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the doorkeeper, establishing the right-most obligatory prayer, paying the left-right obligatory zakat, fasting the obligatory Ramadan, and the obligatory Hajj, and perhaps the obligatory prayer was the obligatory prayer because it is Light, as it veils the kingdom.

It has been mentioned in the news that its veil is light, and zakat is the right thing.

Because it is an expenditure that requires strength to dispose of what he possessed from his property, and the Hajj is easy due to the expenditures and offerings it entails, where they are gathered together. With zakat on charity and gifts, both of which are works of the hands, and fasting is in the leg, for the back is equivalent to the front, which is dia. Patience is dia, mean

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