The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The angels bore witness to my monotheism through the necessary knowledge of manifestation, which knowledge benefited them and served them as a correct consideration of the evidence, so they bore witness to my monotheism just as I bore witness to myself. They attributed knowledge to the rational consideration that I placed in My servants, and then faith came after that in the second rank of scholars, and it is what is relied upon for happiness. For God commanded it and we called it knowledge because the informer is God. He said, “Know that there is no god but God.” And God Almighty said, “And that they may know that He is one God,” when He divided the ranks at the end of Surah Ibrahim of the Mighty Qur’an. And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in the Sahih, “Whoever dies knowing that there is no God.” Except God will enter Paradise

And he did not say here he believes, for faith is dependent on news, and he said: And We will not punish until W

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We have learned that God has servants who existed in certain periods and were united in knowledge, and the call of the messengers before the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was not general, so the people of every era are required to have faith, so all scholars have generalized this statement regarding the monotheism of God, the believer among them, in terms of what he knows about in terms of truthful information. Which benefits knowledge, not from the point of view of faith and the non-believer. Faith is not valid for its existence except after the coming of the Messenger, and the Messenger is not proven until the rational observer knows that there is a God and that God is one. This is necessary because the Messenger is of the same type as those to whom he was sent, so no one of the type is specified without Other than him, except for the absence of opposition, and he is the partner, so he must be aware of the monotheism of the One who sent him, which is G

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These are reasonable levels of knowledge, and knowledge of some of them depends on others, and this is not all the share of the believer. The level of faith, which is believing that this is a messenger from God, does not occur until after the acquisition of this knowledge that we mentioned. Then, if the indications come that he is the Messenger of God, not the monotheism of his sender, then Let us wise people, people of understanding, dreams, and prohibitions be prepared for what this Messenger mentions in his message. The first thing he said in his message is that God is the One who sent me to say to you, “Say there is no god but God.” Those of understanding knew that the one who knows the Oneness of God is not obligated to utter it. So when he heard from the Messenger the command to utter it, and This is not part of the meaning of the evidence of knowledge of the monotheism of God uttered by this monotheist scholar out of faith and belief in this Messenger. If the scholar says,

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And here are jokes for those who have a heart and understanding, based on God Almighty’s saying, “And He revealed in every heaven its command,” and His saying, “He has deposited on the Preserved Tablet all that He does in His creation until the Day of Resurrection. Among the things that God has revealed in His heavens and deposited on His Tablet are the sending of the Messengers.” So it is taken from the Tablet for revelation and knowledge, and it is taken from the sky for consideration and testing. And their knowledge of the sending of messengers, their knowledge of the closeness they bring to God, their times, their places, their abode, what will happen to people after death, what will happen to them in resurrection and gathering, their destination of happiness and misery, of Paradise and Hell, and that God made the signs of the astronomy, its stations, and the orbits of its stars, evidence of the ruling of what God brings about in the natural world. And the elements include hea

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