The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then the prophets, then the believers, and the most merciful of the merciful remained. Here is a great detail that will go on at length, for it is a great place, except that the truth will be revealed on that day, and it will say: “Every nation will follow what it used to worship until this nation remains, and among it are its hypocrites, and the truth will be revealed to them in the lowest form of the forms that it was revealed.” To them before that, and He says, “I am your Lord,” and they say, “We seek refuge in God from you.” Here we are waiting until our Lord comes to us. Then He, the Most High, the Most High, says to them, “Is there a sign between you and Him by which you recognize Him?” So they say, “Yes,” and He turns to them in the form in which they recognized Him by that sign. They say, “You are our Lord.” Then He commands them to prostrate, so no one who was prostrating to God remains except He prostrated, and whoever prostrated with purity and hypocrisy, God made his b

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So if intercession takes place and there is no legitimate believer left in Hell at all, nor anyone who did a lawful act in terms of what was lawful by the tongue of a prophet, even if it were the weight of a mustard seed, or even more than that in childhood, except that he will come out through the intercession of the prophets and believers, and the people of monotheism will remain who taught monotheism with rational evidence and did not They associate nothing with God, nor do they believe in a lawful faith, and they have never done good in terms of what they followed a prophet from among the prophets, so they did not have an ounce of faith or anything less than it, so the Most Merciful of the Merciful will bring them out, and they have never done good, meaning it is lawful in terms of what is lawful, and there is no greater good than faith and what they have done, and this < /p>

The hadith of Othman bin Affan in the Sahih by Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj. The Messenger of God, may God’

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Know that

It has been reported in the report that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked about the Almighty’s saying, “He will be given a simple account.” He said, “O Aisha, whoever’s account is discussed will be punished.”

And it is Like the display of the army, I mean the display of actions, not because it is the uniform of the people of the situation, and God is the King, so the criminals are known by their marks just as the soldiers here are known by their uniforms.

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God Almighty said: Read your book; your own soul is sufficient for you today as a judge. And He said: As for him who is given his book with his right hand, he is a happy believer. And as for him who is given his book with his left hand, and he is a hypocrite, then the disbeliever has no book, so the hypocrite has his faith robbed of him. Islam was taken from him, and it was said about the hypocrite that he did not believe in God. It includes the one who is obstructive, the polytheist, and the one who is arrogant before God and has not been exposed to Islam. The hypocrite obeys outwardly in order to protect his money, his family, and his blood, and inwardly he is one of these three. Rather, we said that this verse covers all three, for his saying, “He does not believe in God Almighty,” means he does not believe in God, and those who do not believe in God are two groups. Do not believe in the existence of God, and they are the invalids, and a group that does not believe in the monot

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