The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Oppression has the quality of mercy, and it is not mentioned in the name Rahman, because there must be anger on that day, as will be stated in this chapter, and there must be reckoning and bringing Hell and the scales, and all of these are not among the attributes of absolute mercy that the name Most Merciful requires, except that He, Glory be to Him, came in the name of God in which mercy would be. It has greatness in it, and it is the name Lord, for it is part of reform and upbringing, so what is in the owner and master is strengthened of the virtue of mercy over what is in it of oppression, so his mercy precedes his anger, and he increases in overlooking the misdeeds of most people .

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The first thing that I will explain and say is what God said on that day about the extension of the earth, the capture of the sky, its fall on the earth, the coming of the angels, and the coming of the Lord on that day, and where the creation will be when the earth expands and changes its form and Hell comes, and what will be of its nature. Then I will go on. The hadith about the timing of the Resurrection in fifty thousand years, and the hadith about intercession. Know, my brother, that if people rise from their graves, they will do what we will relate, God willing, and God wants to replace the earth with another earth, and the earth will be extended, God willing, and the bridge will be short of the darkness, so creation will be on it when God changes the earth however He wills. In the form, or by another land on which he slept, it is called the watchful one, and He, Glory be to Him, extends it as long as everlasting time. God Almighty says: And when the earth is extended, He inc

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The Day of Judgment, which is that day, is called the Angel, and the angels, peace be upon them, line up in seven rows surrounding the creatures. When people see Hell, it will seethe and rage against the arrogant tyrants, so the entire creation will flee from it for the greatness of what they see in fear and terror, which is the greatest terror, except for the group that is not saddened by the greatest terror, and the angels will meet them. This is the day you had You are promised that they will be safe with the prophets over themselves, except that the prophets will fear for their nations because of the compassion that God has bestowed on them for creation, so they will say on that day, “Peace, peace.” And God had commanded that pulpits of light be erected for the believers among His creation, differentiated according to their positions in the situation, so that they would sit on them in safety, giving good tidings, and that was before the coming. - Lord Almighty, so when people flee

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Then a caller calls out from God, and the people of the situation hear him, not knowing or I do not know whether that is the call of the Truth, Glory be to Him Himself, or a call about His command, Glory be to Him. He says in that call, O people of the situation, you will know today who are the owners of generosity, for He said to us, O man, what has deceived you in your teaching from your Lord, the Generous? His

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