The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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So they said, “We only worship them so that they may bring us closer to God.” And they said, “Have He made the gods one god? Indeed, this is a strange thing.” And the third group is the invalid, and they are the ones who denied God in one sentence, so they did not establish a god for the world or of the world. And the fourth group is the hypocrites, and they are the ones who demonstrated Islam from one of these.

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These are four types: they are the people of Hell. They will not come out of it, including jinn and humans. Rather, they were four, because God Almighty mentioned about Satan that he comes to us from before us and behind us and from our right and from our left. He comes to the polytheist from before him, and he comes to the obstructive person from behind him, and he comes to the arrogant person from behind him. On his right, and he comes to the hypocrite from his left, which is the weakest side, for he is the weakest of the sects, just as the left is weaker than the right, and he made the arrogant person on the right because it is the place of power, so he was arrogant because of his strength that he felt from himself, and he came to the polytheist from before him, for he saw that he had a concrete side before him, so he confirmed the existence of God and did not He was able to deny it, so Satan made him associate with God in his divinity, and he came to the obstructionist from be

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Then God Almighty said: In Hell, it has seven gates, and each gate has an divided portion. These are four levels for them, and each of the gates of Hell has an divided portion, and they are the stages of their torment. So if you multiply the four, which are the levels from which Satan entered them, by the seven gates, the outside will be twenty-eight. Likewise, God has made the stations that God has destined for the individual human being, which is the moon and other than the impermeable, sweeping vehicle, which travels through it and descends it to find the beings. Thus, according to this movement, there will be what constitutes actions in the elemental world, for this vehicle has been reduced to four natures multiplied by their essences, and they are seven, and from it emerged its eight stations. The twenty is by the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing, just as He said, “Everyone in an orbit they glorify.” Among what has been revealed about this divine direction in these t

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For each group of the four, there are seven hundred types of torment, and they are four groups, so the total is twenty-eight hundred types of torment, just as the people of Paradise will have the same amount of reward. This is shown in their alms, like the example of a seed that grows seven ears of corn. In each ear there are a hundred seeds, so the total is seven hundred, and they are four groups of messengers and prophets. And saints and believers For every one of these four who gives charity, there will be seven hundred times the amount of bliss in their deeds. See how impressive the Qur’an is in its healing explanation and its balance in its creation in the two worlds, Paradise and Hell, to establish justice equally in the chapter on the reward of bliss and the reward of torment. With this amount, participation occurs between the people of Paradise and the people of Hell, to be equal in the number of stairs and levels. The distinction is in another matter, and that is that Hel

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For the people of happiness, there are three Gardens: a Garden of deeds, a Garden of specialization, and a Garden of inheritance. This is because there is no person, whether among the jinn or mankind, except that he has a place in Paradise and a place in Hell. This is due to his original possibility, for before his existence he could have remained in nothingness or existed, and from this fact he has the acceptance of bliss. And accepting the torment, for Paradise seeks everyone and everyone seeks it, and Hell seeks everyone and everyone seeks it, for God says, “And if He had willed, He could have guided you all,” meaning you are capable of that. But the word has been fulfilled, knowledge has preceded, and the will has been executed. There is no one to oppose His command and no one to follow up on His ruling. So the people of Paradise will descend in Paradise according to their deeds, and they will have gardens of inheritance, which were for the people of Paradise. Hell if they ent

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