The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His angels are another angel below him in rank. He called it the pen, made its status below the nun, and took it as a scribe, so God Almighty teaches him from His knowledge of whatever He willed in His creation through the mediation of the nun. However, from the general knowledge, and among what the general knowledge contains is the science of details, and it is from some of the general sciences, because the sciences have levels of their totality. The knowledge of detail, for the divine pen has no rank of general sciences except the knowledge of detail in general and some of the detailed sciences and nothing else. And he took this angel as the scribe of his office and revealed to him his name, the Almighty, so he extended him this divine manifestation and made his gaze towards the world of recording and underlining, so he created for him a tablet and commanded him to write on it all that God Almighty wanted to carry him in His creation until the Day of Resurrection in a special wa

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Then God Almighty commanded that twelve governors be appointed over the world of creation, whose headquarters would be in the farthest ark from us in Bruges. So He divided the farthest ark into twelve sections, making each section a tower for the residence of these governors, like the towers of the city wall. So God sent them down to it, and they all descended therein. On a bed in his tower, and God lifted the veil that was between them and the Preserved Tablet, and they saw in it written their names, their ranks, and whatever the Truth wished to carry out on their hands in the world of creation until the Day of Resurrection. So all of that was engraved in their souls, and they taught it a preserved knowledge that does not change or change. Then God appointed for each one of these governors. Two ushers carry out their orders to their deputies, and He placed between each two ushers an ambassador who walks between them with what each one of them is presented to. And God appointed fo

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Then God Almighty commanded these governors to appoint representatives for them and captains in the seven heavens. In every heaven, there is a captain like their overseer who looks into the interests of the elemental world with what these governors give them and command them. This is His saying, and He revealed in every heaven its command, so God made the bodies of these planets captains. Bright, round bodies, and He breathed into them their souls and sent them down in the seven heavens, in each one of them, and said to them, “I have made you extract what these twelve governors have through the mediation of the Veil, who are twenty-eight, just as those governors take from the Preserved Tablet.” Then God made for each captain of these seven captains an ark to glorify. In it, he is to him like a horse to a rider, and so is the veil. They have orbits in which they swim, since they have control over the events of the world and anticipating it, and they have stewards and servants excee

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Thus, the king should look forward every day to the conditions of the people of his kingdom. God Almighty says, “Every day he is concerned with a matter, because those in the heavens and the earth ask him in a spoken language and an articulate tongue. He is not concerned with preserving the world, and He is the Most High, the Great. He has no occupation except with it. God Almighty says, He manages the matter from heaven.” Oh To the earth, He administers the matter, detailing the signs. If the angel had not existed, he would not have been called the angel.

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