The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Compounds The one pillar is water, which is composed of what is close to the earth because it is cold and wet, so it did not have the power to ascend, so it remained on the earth holding it with the dryness on it, and the other is fire, which is more dense than the ether, which is close to the sky because it is hot and dry, so it did not have the nature of descending to the earth, so it remained from what is close to the sky. Because of its heat and the dryness it held it there, and what happened between the fire and the water was the formation of the air from the heat of the fire and the moisture of the water, so it could not touch the fire, for the weight of the moisture prevented it from being at the level of the fire, and if it sought moisture, it would bring it down until it was at a level like the water, and the heat would prevent it from descending. When they prevented, all that remained was that It is between water and fire because they attract each other equally, so that

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And when the spheres revolved and the pillars churned with what they carried and what they cast into them in this moral marriage, and the generators appeared from every corner according to what the reality of that pillar required, then the nations of the world appeared and the reversed movement and the horizontal movement appeared, then when the ruling reached the ear, human development appeared according to the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing, so God Almighty created He exalted man in terms of his body, creating him together, and gave him straight movement, and God granted him authority in the elemental world for seven thousand years.

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Judgment will be transferred to the scales, which is the time of Resurrection, and in it God will set the just scales for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the slightest. And since the judgment was not for him according to what God has deposited in him of justice in this world, he legislated the scales, and only a few people used them, namely the prophets in particular, and those who were protected from Saints, and since the Resurrection was the place of the authority of the scales, no soul would be wronged in the slightest. God Almighty said: “And We will set the scales for justice on the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the slightest, even if it is the weight of a grain of mustard seed, that is, of work. We will bring it with it, and it is sufficient for us as reckoners.”

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And since the Virgin had seven numbers, she had the seventy-seven and seven hundred numbers in doubling wages and setting proverbs in charity. God Almighty said, “The parable of those who spend their wealth in the cause of God is like a grain that produces seven ears of corn, and in every ear of A hundred pills, I swear He multiplies for whomever He wishes to seven thousand to seventy thousand to seven hundred thousand to infinity, but from the calculation of the seven, and the hypotheses estimated in the astronomy atlas were twelve hypotheses, because the limit of the names of the number is twelve names, and it is from one to ten to one hundred, and it is eleven to Alif is the twelfth, and there is no other rank behind it, and the structure in it is multiplied to infinity with these names, especially

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People will enter Paradise and Hell at the beginning of the eleventh degree of Gemini, and each group will settle in its abode, and no one who comes out through intercession or divine providence will remain in Hell. Death will be sacrificed between Paradise and Hell, and judgment will be restored among the people of Paradise according to what the divine command that God has deposited in him will give him. The movements of the maximum sphere, and through it, formation takes place in Paradise according to what is given by the emergence of the afterlife. For judgment is eternal in the events, for the movement is the same, and its effects differ according to the events. The reason for this is so that no one of creation is independent by action or command without participation, so this is distinguished by the action of God that He does, not by the participation of the action of the creature. The created being is forever in a place of need and helplessness, and God is Rich, the Mighty,

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And know that God Almighty, when He called the kingdom, arranged the world in the order of the kingdom, and He made for Him special servants from among His servants, and they are the dominant angels who sit with the Most High God in His remembrance. They are not too proud to worship Him, nor are they ashamed. They glorify the night and the day without faltering. Then He took a guardian from among the cherubim, one whom He gave His knowledge of His creation. It is a detailed science In general, His knowledge, Glory be to Him, was where He was exalted, and that angel was called Nun. He continues to seclude himself in the presence of His knowledge, the Almighty, the Majestic, and He is the head of the divine court, and the truth is that He is All-Knowing and He is not hidden from Him. Then He appointed someone .

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