The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Some of this is something that hearing does not reach it, and similarly with the visual faculty, God has made the mind poor in what it reaches it of visible things, so it does not know greenness, yellowness, blueness, whiteness, blackness, or the colors between them, unless sight has blessed the mind with them, and so on. All the powers known to the senses. Then the imagination is in need of these senses, so it does not imagine at all except what these powers give it. Then, if the preserving power does not hold on to the imagination what it has acquired of these powers, then nothing of it will remain in the imagination, for it is in need of the senses and the preserving power. Then The preserving power may have obstacles that prevent it from imagining, so the imagination misses many things because of the weakness that has occurred in the preserving power due to the presence of the obstacle, so it lacks the reminiscent power, so it reminds him of what he missed, so it is specific t

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We have learned that the mind has nothing in its own right, and that what it acquires from the sciences is only from the fact that it has the quality of acceptance. If it is of this status, then its acceptance from its Lord for what He tells us about Himself, the Almighty, is more deserving of its acceptance from its thought, and it is known that its thought is imitated. Because of his imagination, and that his imagination is an imitation of his senses, and with his imitation, he is not strong in grasping what he has unless the power of preserving and remembering helps him to do so, and with this knowledge that the strong do not go beyond their creation and what their reality gives him, and that looking at himself, he has no knowledge except the necessities with which he was born, he does not accept the words of those who say To him, there is another power behind you that gives you something other than what it gave you. The thinking power was obtained by the people of God, from th

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And when the minds of the people of faith in God Almighty saw that God had asked them to know Him after they had known Him with their theoretical evidence, they knew that there was another knowledge of God that they could not reach through thought, so they used exercises, seclusion, struggle, cutting ties, being alone, and sitting with God by emptying the place and sanctifying the heart from impurities. Thoughts, since thoughts are related to universes, and this method was taken from the prophets and messengers, and I heard that the Truth, glory be to Him, descends to His servants and seeks their help, so I knew that the path to Him, from His side, is closer to Him than the path from its thoughts, especially the people of faith, and I heard the Almighty’s saying : He came to me running, and I came to him hurriedly .

And his heart expanded the majesty and greatness of God, so he turned to Him completely and was cut off from all that he took from these powers. With this dire

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The heart is known to always fluctuate in conditions, so it does not remain in one state, and so do the divine manifestations. Whoever does not witness the manifestations with his heart denies them, for the mind is restricted, and anything else is strong except the heart, for it is not restricted and is quick to fluctuate in every state, and therefore

The Lawgiver said that the heart is between two of the fingers of the Most Merciful. He turns it however He wants.

It fluctuates with the fluctuation of manifestations, but the mind is not like that. The heart is the force behind the phase of the mind. If he wanted the truth in this verse with the heart that it is the mind, he would not have said to the one who has a heart, for all A human being has a mind, and not every human being is given this power that is behind the stage of the mind, which is called the heart in this verse. Therefore, He said to whoever has a heart, then the transformation in the heart is analog

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