The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In general, they affirmed His knowledge, Glory be to Him, despite the fact that they were not believers, and they intended His honour, Glory be to Him, in that, even if they made a mistake in expressing that, so God, by His care for some of His servants, taught them Himself by inspiring Him and making them understand, so He inspired her immorality and piety in the effect of His words, and a soul, and everything else, so it is clear. For her, immorality is part of piety, an inspiration from God for her to avoid immorality and act with piety .

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Just as the origin of the Book being revealed from God to His Prophets was the revelation of understanding from God to the hearts of some of those who believe in Him, the Prophets, peace be upon them, did not say about God what He did not say to them, nor did they take that out of their souls or thoughts, nor did they act on it, but rather brought it from God. As God Almighty said: It is a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy, and He said in it that falsehood does not come to it from before it or from behind it. If the origin spoken of is from God and not from human thought and its narration, and the graphic scholars know that, then the people of God who work with it should have more right to explain it and explain what God has revealed in it. From the scholars of drawings, his explanation will also be a revelation from God to the hearts of the people of God, as was the original, and so on.

Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said in this section, “It is

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When the people of God saw that God had made the rule in the life of this world for the people of the apparent worldly scholars, and gave them control over creation by what they give fatwas, and joined them to those who know the apparent meaning of the life of this world, while they are heedless of the Hereafter, and in their denial of the people of God, they think that they will be judged. Years of good work The people of God have their conditions because they knew where they spoke from and protected themselves from them by calling the facts signs, for the graphic scholars do not deny the signs, so if tomorrow is the Day of Resurrection the matter will be in all as the one who said it said .

You will see, when the dust clears, whether a horse or a donkey is under you.

Just as the investigator distinguishes from the people of God from the claimant of eligibility, tomorrow is the Day of Resurrection, some of them said.

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Then it is the business of the graphic artist to defend himself, that he is ignorant of those who say, “My Lord has understood me,” and he believes that he is better than him and that he is the possessor of knowledge, when he who is among God’s people says, “God has concealed what He intended with this ruling in this verse,” or he says, “I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.” May God bless him and grant him peace, in my incident, so inform me of the authenticity of this news narrated from him and its ruling according to him. Abu Yazid al-Bistami, may God be pleased with him, said in this matter and its authenticity, addressing the graphics scholars: You took your knowledge of a dead person from a dead person, and we took our knowledge from a living person who does not die. People like us say, “My heart told me about my Lord,” and you say, “So-and-so told me, and where.” They said he died on the authority of so-and-so, and where is he? They said he died

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And the divine abundance and the glad tidings have not blocked its door, and they are part of prophecy. The path is clear, the door is open, and work is lawful. And God is running to meet those who come to Him seeking. And there is no secret communication between three except Him as the fourth of them, and He is with them wherever they are. So whoever is with you in such closeness with your claim to knowledge. With that and believing in him, you did not abandon taking from him and talking to him, and taking from someone else and not taking from him, so you would be a hadith of a covenant with your Lord. The rain would be above your rank.

Where the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, appeared to him himself when he descended, and lowered his head until the water hit him, and it was said To him about that, he said that it is a hadith of a covenant with his Lord

as an education for us and a warning

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