The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that a sign, according to the people of God’s path, indicates distance or the presence of others. Some of the sheikhs said about the virtues of gatherings that the sign is a call at the head of distance and an indication of the cause, meaning that this is a declaration of the occurrence of the disease, for the cause is an illness, which is our statement or the presence of others, and it is not intended. By the cause, here is the cause, nor the cause that rational theorists have agreed upon, and a form of illness in it, that the counselor has missed the aspect of truth in that other thing, and whoever has absented the aspect of truth in things, the claim is attained from him, and the claim is the essence of the illness, and it has been proven among investigators that there is nothing in existence except God and us, even if we are. They exist, so our existence was only through Him, and whoever’s existence is through something oth

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Know that when God Almighty created creation, He created man in phases. Among us is the knowledgeable and the ignorant, among us is the just and the stubborn, among us is the oppressor, and among us is the oppressed, and among us is the ruler, and among us is the ruled, and among us is the ruler, and among us is the controlled, and among us is the president and the rulers, and among us is the prince and the commander, and among us is the king and the vulgar, and among us is the envious and the envied, and among us is the envier and the envied. And what God has created is more difficult and difficult. More severe than the graphic scholars are over the people of God who specialize in serving Him and who know Him through the divine gift to whom He granted His secrets in His creation and their understanding of the meanings of His Book and the signs of His speech. They are for this group what the Pharaohs were for the Messengers, peace be upon them. And since the matter in the existing

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Every verse revealed has two sides, one that they see in their souls and another side that they see in what has come out of them, so they name what they see in their souls as a reference to the jurist, the author of the drawings, sympathizing with that, and they do not say in that that it is an interpretation to protect against their evil and denigrate them in that by calling them disbelievers, and that is due to their ignorance of the locations of the discourse of truth and they followed their example in This is due to the laws of guidance, for God was able to set forth in His Book what the people of God interpreted. However, what He did, rather He included in those divine words that were sent down by the common people the sciences of the meanings of specialization that His servants understood when He opened them to them with the eye of understanding that He provided them. If the graphic scholars were to be fair, they would be considered in If their souls look at the verse with t

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We do not doubt that the people of God are the heirs of the Messengers, peace be upon them, and God says in the right of the Messenger and he taught you what you did not know. He said in the right of Jesus and taught him the Book and the wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel. He said in the right of Khidr, the companion of Moses, peace be upon him, and “We taught him knowledge from among us,” so our graphic scholars believed what they said. Knowledge does not exist except by learning, and they were mistaken in their belief that God does not know who is neither a prophet nor a messenger. God says, “God gives wisdom to whomever He wills, and it is knowledge, and he came to whomever, and it is insignificant.” But the scholars of drawings did not prefer this world to the afterlife, and they preferred the side of creation over the side of truth, and they are accustomed to taking knowledge from books and from The mouths of men of their kind who claimed that they were among the people of G

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