The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They sold their souls to support his religion*** and that is why they did not accompany him with altruism

about them Al-Mukhtar was nicknamed the soul that *** comes to him from Yemen with the destinies

Saad, a descendant of Ubadah, whom I was proud of *** on the day of the Saqifah, the group of supporters

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> God has masters of every foul thing *** It was revealed with the religion of God and the good people

They are attributed with religion God is in their honor *** The religion of guidance through the mighty army

Among them I will be exalted on the Day of Resurrection my spectacle *** and in them you will see the Day of Roses my potter

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> If I ha

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Then we go back and say that the Ansar did not come until after God had relieved His Prophet of what he had given him. The Ansar met him in a state of spaciousness, joy, and joy. He, may God bless him and grant him peace, received the rich person from his Lord, so he and the immigrants were with her and helped in establishing the religion of God as God had commanded them. God Almighty said, “By God.” He contracts and exhales, for God has the most beautiful names, and they have effects and control over His creation, and they are directed by God Almighty to create possible things and the endless meanings they contain.

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And God, in His essence, is Self-sufficient of the worlds. Rather, God Almighty has made us know that He is Self-sufficient of the worlds in order to teach us that He, Glory be to Him, did not create us except for us, not for Himself, and He did not create us to worship Him except so that the reward and grace of that work would return to us. Therefore, He did not single out this speech except the Thaqalayn, and He Almighty said, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind.” Except that they should worship, and we do not doubt that everything He created of the angels and others of the world, He created them only to glorify His praise, and He did not single out this attribute other than the heavy ones. I mean the attribute of worship, which is humility. So He did not create them when He created them, since no. Rather, He created them to be humiliated, and He created everything other than them, since it is not in the origin of their creation, so He did not place the reason in it. Exce

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This is because none of God’s creation is arrogant in following the command of God except the two heavy ones, and no one of God’s creation disobeyed God except the two heavy ones. So Satan commanded and he disobeyed, and he forbade Adam, peace be upon him, from approaching the tree, so his command was what God told us in his book, and Adam disobeyed his Lord, and as for the angels God has testified to them that they do not disobey God in what He has commanded them, and they do what they are commanded, in response to those of the commentators who spoke what was not appropriate about the two kings in Babylon, in a way that did not befit them and did not give the apparent meaning of the verse. But man dares to criticize God Almighty and says about him what does not befit His majesty, so how can he not say about it? The angels, just as a person has lied to his Lord about matters, so this one has lied to his Lord in his statement about the angels, “They do not disobey God what He comma

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Know that the reason that causes the two great creatures to be arrogant to the exclusion of all other beings is that the rest of the creatures are directed to create them from the divine names, the names of power, pride, greatness, oppression, and glory, so they came out humiliated under this divine oppression, and He recognized them when He created them with these names, so whoever was created in this state was not able to raise his head, nor even He finds in himself a taste of pride towards one of God’s creation, so how about the one who created him when I bear witness that he is in his grip and under his oppression, and they bear witness that he uncovered their forelocks and the forelocks of every living creature in his hand. In the Mighty Qur’an, there is no living creature but that He takes hold of its forelock. Then he said in completion, “Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path.” The Arabs are humiliated. This is what is customary among us. So whoever is in a state of witness

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