The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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One of the people of the East and the West, whose enumeration is long, and Imam Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Masdi wrote at length in his translation, and this includes his saying that he was beautiful in sentence and detail, a master of the arts of science, the most thorough attainment, and he had in literature an unmatched excellence and an unsurpassed progress, heard in his country from Ibn Zarqoun and al-Hafiz. Ibn al-Jadd and Abu al-Walid al-Hadrami and Ceuta

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From Abu Muhammad ibn Abdullah, and Abu Muhammad Abd al-Munim ibn Muhammad al-Khazraji came to Seville, and he heard from him, and Abu Jaafar bin Musalla ended. The author also met Abd al-Haqq al-Ishbili and heard from him, as mentioned above. Although Ibn Masdi said, “I have a theory about that,” the author himself mentioned in his approval of King al-Muzaffar. Ghazi, the son of the just king, Abu Bakr ibn Ayyub, what is its meaning or text? And from our Andalusian sheikhs, Abu Muhammad Abd al-Haqq ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Abdullah al-Ishbili, may God have mercy on him, he told me all his works on hadith, and he specified for me some of their names for instructing the converted, the major, middle, and minor rulings, the book of Tahajjud, and the book of wellness, and its composition and prose, and he told me of their names. In the writings of Imam Abu Muhammad Ali bin Ahmad bin Khurram, on the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Shurayh bin Muhammad bin Shurayh, on the authority of him, he finish

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