The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The gift, not the knowledge of earning, for if God had meant acquired knowledge, He would not have said, “You have been given.” Rather, He would have said, “You have been given the path to attaining it,” not Him. He would have said, “In Khidr, and We taught him the path of acquiring knowledge.” He would not have said any of this, and we know that then there is knowledge. We acquired it from our thoughts and our senses, and then knowledge that we did not acquire with anything of our own, but rather a gift from God Almighty, which He revealed in our hearts and to our secrets, and we found it for no apparent reason. It is a delicate matter, as most people imagine that the knowledge that comes from piety is gifted knowledge, but it is not so. Rather, they are acquired knowledge. With piety, God made it a path to attaining this knowledge. He said, “If you fear God, He will provide for you a criterion.” And He said, “And fear God, and God will teach you.” He also made correct tho

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All prophecies are bestowed sciences, because prophecy is not acquired. All of the laws are bestowed sciences according to the people of Islam, who are its people. By acquired sciences, I mean what the servant has in it to work, just as what is bestowed is what the servant does not have in it to work. Rather, we said this for the sake of the preparations that made the world accept this. Wahbi and acquired knowledge, for it is necessary to be prepared. If there are some preparations that a person works to acquire, then the knowledge obtained from them is acquired, such as someone who worked on what he knew and God bequeathed to him knowledge of what he did not know and the like. The laws are all Wahbi sciences, and whoever acquires knowledge is gifted with what is not Islamic law, a small group of saints. Among them is Al-Khidr on the designation, for he said from Himself, and by what we know of the prophets, peace be upon them, Adam, Elias, Zechariah, Yahya, Jesus, Idris, and Ishm

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Our companions differed regarding newly created knowledge as to whether it relates to infinite information or not. So whoever prevents God’s essence from being known is prevented from that, and whoever does not prevent that from that does not prevent it from occurring, but what has been conveyed to us is that it happened to someone in this world, and I do not know what it will be in the Hereafter. We have learned that Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, knew the knowledge of the first and the last. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about himself that he will praise God tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection with the words of Muhammad. When he asks God Almighty to open the door to intercession, he said that God Almighty taught him it at that time but does not know it now. If someone else had known it, he would not have believed it.

His saying, “I knew the knowledge of the first and the last, ”

And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon

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