The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Concerning desires, abandoning prayers, not hearing admonition, and remembering is of no benefit to them. There is no crime that this is his characteristic. They give a little respite and enjoy a little, then the intoxication of death comes upon them with the truth. That is what they used to deviate from, whether they like it or not, so they part with their loved one despite their will and leave what they have accumulated for others to enjoy the wealth of one of them, his wife’s mate. And his son’s wife, and his daughter’s husband, and the owner of his inheritance to the congratulated heir, and upon them is calamity, heavy on his back with his burdens, tormenting the soul for what his hands have earned. What a pity for him, when the Resurrection comes upon her children, so beware lest you be of these, and be of those who took from their immediate life for their death, as

He said. May God’s prayers and peace be upon him. They accompanied the world with bodies whose souls we

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Some of the righteous people said, advising a person to be careful not to cut yourself off from him, lest you be deceived. He said to him, “How can that be?” He said, “Because the deceived is the one who looks at his gifts and stops looking at him by looking at his gifts.” Then he said, “People are attached to causes, and the righteous are attached to the One who has the means.” Then he said a sign of their attachment. With gifts, they ask him for gifts. One of the signs of a friend’s heart being attached to the giver of gifts is that he pours gifts on him and is distracted by them. Then he said, “Let your dependence be on God in the moment, not on the situation.” Then he said, “Be wiser, for this is from the essence of monotheism.

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Jesus, peace be upon him, said to some of his companions a commandment: Fast from this world, and make death your break-in, and be like one who heals his wound with medicine for fear that he will mislead him and you by frequently mentioning death, for death brings goodness to the believer, no evil after it, and to the evil one, goodness, no good after it .


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Dhu al-Nun said: Three of the signs of faith are: taking the heart’s interest in the misfortunes of Muslims, offering advice to them, avoiding the bitterness of their suspicions, and guiding them to their interests, even if they are ignorant of it and hate it. Ahmad ibn Ahmad ibn Salamah said: Dhu al-Nun advised me, “Do not let people’s faults distract you from your own faults. You are not a watchdog over them.” Then He said, “The most beloved of God’s servants to God Almighty is the one who is most sensible of Him.” Rather, the evidence of a man’s perfect intellect and his humility in his mind is his good listening to the hadith, even if he knows it, his speedy acceptance of the truth even if it comes from someone who is lower than him, and his admission of error when he brings it.

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It was recommended by a knowledgeable Muslim monk. While some knowledgeable people were visiting a monk in a hermitage on top of a mountain, he stopped by him and called him, “O monk.” The monk took his head out of his hermitage and said, “Who is that?” He said, “A man of your human race.” He said, “What do you want?” He said, “How is the way?” To God. The monk said, in opposition to his desires. He said, “How good is the provision?” He said, “Piety.” He said, “Why did I stay away from people and barricade myself in this hermitage?” He said, out of fear for my heart from their temptation, and out of fear for my mind, the confusion of their bad relations, and I sought relief for myself from the hardship of their orbits and the ugliness of their actions, and I made my dealings with my Lord, so I was relieved from them. He said So tell me, O one of the followers of Christ, how did you find your dealings with your Lord, and tell me the truth, and leave behind the embellishment of

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