The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They understood the purposes of the law and acted with it in accordance with its purpose. This is from the blessing of piety and respect with which they respected the divine aspect, in reality and not metaphorically. God opened to them, through their politeness, the eye of understanding in His books and in what His messengers brought, which the minds cannot and will not be independent in understanding, but They took it from God, not from their own eyes, so they understood all of that with such care what someone who was not characterized by this quality and did not have this status did not understand .

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Since this was the case of the pious, they followed in their affairs and movements the paths of the common people, and nothing appeared on them by which they distinguished themselves from them, and they concealed themselves with the reasons established in the world by which praise does not fall on the one who adheres to them, so the name of righteousness was not generally applied to these men, which takes them away from the righteousness of the common people, and there is no trust in them. There is no asceticism, piety, or anything that comes under the name of a special praise that they take from the common people and are referred to in it, despite the fact that they are people of piety, trust, asceticism, good character, contentment, generosity, and altruism. Such as all of this, the men of God from this class avoided, so they were called pious in the terminology of the people of God, because piety is avoidance.

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And consider what is the best speech of the one who has been given comprehensive words, may God bless him and grant him peace. How he said, “In this position, he knows how his men will be in it.”

Leave what doubts you for what does not doubt you.

And he said, “Consult.” Your heart, even if the ones who give fatwas give you a fatwa.

So he referred them to their hearts when he knew what was in it of the secret of God that it contained in attaining this station. For in the hearts there is a divine protection that only those who are watching can sense, and in it is a covering for them. If these men had asked and been known to search and search for them, In cases like this, among the people and among the scholars who asked about this, they were necessarily referred to and believed to be those who were sincere, such as Bishr al-Hafi and others, and he was one of the leaders of this position, known for it and it was accepted for him. It was said that Bishr al-H

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So he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gave us the balance in our hearts so that our position would be hidden from the Gentiles, sincerely for God and sincere, which no one knows except God. Then his companion, which is his saying, “Indeed, the pure religion belongs to God.” Every religion in which there is a kind of praiseworthy or blameworthy participation is not the pure religion that belongs to God if it is the one who Participating in it is praiseworthy, like the example of the sister of Bishr al-Hafi, and if participation occurs in what is blameworthy, then it is not a religion at all, for there is no divine religion to which a tongue of condemnation is attached. When men of this position saw the Prophet’s consideration of what happens in the heart of the servant from what he said, and what he referred to a person against himself by avoiding it in seeking To cover up, you worked to achieve this, and they followed it, and they knew that the salvation required from th

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These men are praised by God, the holy divine names are praised by them, the angels praise them, the prophets and messengers praise them, animals, plants, inanimate objects, and everything praises God. As for the heavy people, they are ignorant of them, except those who have divine definition, for they praise them but do not reveal them. As for those other than those who have divine definition from the heavy people, they are like what they are. In the right of the public, they mention them according to their purposes in them and nothing else. They have an unknown position in the public. As for God’s praise of them, let them work for their devotion to God, so they were sincere in His religion for Him. He praised them since no universe possessed them nor judged their servitude to a god other than God. As for the praise of the divine names upon them, it is because they received them and knew their effect and were influenced by them in One of the universes, so they are reminded of tha

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