The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He returned to you what you are in, except for you. You are in every way and in every situation with him or with you. Do not blame anyone but yourself if you see something that you do not approve of, and thank Him in every circumstance, for knowledge of you has benefited you in what He has given you and revealed to you from you, so for this he should be grateful and it is not permissible for him to disbelieve, and from that is writing. To those who represent him, he said, “God has not decreed against Himself what He has decreed except for those who fulfill the right to represent Him in what He has requested of Him regarding it, and none except the pious, and they are those who have made God a protection for them from Him and from everything that comes from Him, just as God has made them a protection between Him and what He has condemned of the matters that are God’s creation.” So this is attributed to the instrument by which the act occurred. When he protected him, he protected hi

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And from that, O teacher of truth, you are the book that previously said fixed rulings regarding fixed objects in their state of non-existence. No matter how the eye of that eye appears in existence, the ruling follows in its appearance, and on this the knowledge of truth is attached to it. Knowledge has no precedence, nor does the book have precedence, but precedence is what we have informed you of, so the thing is. He judged himself, I mean what is known, what someone else judged him, so there is no superiority for one thing over another, but it only shows you what is hidden in you about you, and there is no blame. The right belongs to the rich person in general, so there is no lack, because if he lacked it, he would be judged to be in need by giving what he lacked in it, so it falls under the obligation of lack. Or under the will of choice, and he has no involvement in this or that, for he is independent of the worlds if you do justice .

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And from that precious essence in sanctification, he said, self-sanctification requires disavowal of the purity of the pure, for they did not become pure until they imagined and imagined, and there is no imaginary or imaginary thing that attaches to it or is permissible to relate to it so that it is removed from it. Rather, it is the Holy One in and of itself, for it is the essence, that is, the precious origin that does not compete with it. His attributes, for the one who is yours is what is yours, and the one who is yours is what he is for you, so you are yours in what you are, and he is his in what he is, and facts do not reverse or change, so what you create is created by the morals of others, but rather his morals appeared on him, not with the eyes of the observers, and there is no verification established by the limits of others, for the limit is not for anyone else. Limited, especially the intrinsic limits, then there is nothing but a precious essence, and there is no wonde

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Among these are the foundations of its structure, the strength of its pillars. He said, “Whoever strengthens the foundations of its structure, establishes its wall, and straightens the corners of its corners, they are neither obtuse nor sharp, but rather moderate, as He said, ‘So He straightened you, and He straightened you. It is safe from demolition and falling. This is the house of faith. So do not consider the ground of the house to be in the house, because it is not of workmanship.’” The house was considered the roof because of the house’s need for it, and it is the one that was looked at first, so the house was built on five roofs and four walls, which is his saying: Islam is built on five: testifying that there is no god but God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, fasting during Ramadan, and performing Hajj to the House for whoever is able to reach it.

And the resident.

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And from that is the argument in the argument. He said, “Knowledge necessitates action.” So whoever claims it without acting on it, then his claim is false, and its meaning is very precise because of the transgression of those who transgress the limits of God among the learned believers in God who know Him. It may be said that if they had known, they would not have violated, and they know without a doubt that God has limited them. Certain limits, so he taught them that and called them .

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