The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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So the degrees of Paradise on this are according to the number of verses in the Qur’an. And He said, “And God created you and whatever you do, He is the Worker.” So where will the workers ascend? And the knowledgeable person said, “Whoever works in something other than a factory, then he is making an effort, and he is upon clear proof from his Lord. Indeed, God is the Worker.” Since the servant is his worker, and if he had not done that, there would not have been an obligation. There must be a relation in the work to the servant, so the relation to creation and work for what is right is honoring the servant, I mean adding work to him, whether the servant feels it or not.

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Among that is the scholar’s questioning of the scholar from Chapter 412. He said, “The scholar only asked questions so that he might distinguish between him in whose heart there is doubt and him who has no doubt in his heart, so that the scholar might know from someone other than the scholar in order to establish the argument.” He said, “God did not test the scholar except to know what he knows.” God Almighty said, “O you who have believed.” Believe in this and that, from one point of view. This is a believer who was charged to believe in what he is a believer in. He said, “May God forgive you. Why did you give them permission?” An interrogative question. There is no denying the position of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He gives what we went to and said. He did not praise those who praised him except out of his ignorance.

With the ranks and his knowledge of them as well, but he does not know what he has of them except by a definition from Go

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Among that remembrance is good news from Chapter 413. The remembrance said, the remembrance is good news of inheritance, and in the right of the one who is cared for, it is good news of acceptance, and in the right of the one who is not cared for, good news of deprivation. The people of care, their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy and satisfaction from Him. And to the people of deprivation, He gives them good tidings of a painful punishment, because each one has the effect on his skin of what he preached. God Almighty said, “And when one of them was given good tidings about a female, he kept his face dark and said, ‘The good news is for human beings,’ for he does not speak except from behind a veil, and it is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil. And He said, ‘No one knows the extent of human beings except he who knows the meaning of what prevented you. You prostrate to that which I created with My own hands, and He sai

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Among those who are jealous, jealous from Chapter 414, said: Because of God’s jealousy, He forbade immoral acts, so He made them forbidden and forbidden to Him. So imagine someone who has no knowledge that this is an insult and it is glorification, since it is one of God’s rituals and sanctities, and God says: And whoever glorifies God’s sanctities, it is better for him in the sight of his Lord, and whoever glorifies The rituals of God, for they are part of the piety of hearts. He said

The saying of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, Saad is the jealous, and I am more jealous than Saad, and God is more jealous than me, and from his jealousy he forbade immoral acts

So he made immoral acts forbidden, forbidden, just as he forbade Mecca and elsewhere. And he said,

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade contemplating the essence of God.

And God Almighty said, “And God Himself warns you. The prohibition

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Among these, the easiest punishment is smiting necks from Chapter 415. He said, “The purpose of smiting necks is to remove the life of this world, so with anything it is removed, it is that.” He said, “What is meant by slapping necks is to reveal the life that God has taken away our sight from, so with anything that happens, it is that, even if it is the life of this world.” It is not gone, and only those who know it and the people of revelation and existence know that. The dead person bellowed and said, “It is not right to strike necks until you own them.” Whoever strikes them without ownership will be bound by him, and his neck will be owned by him, and the guardian of blood will own it. He has been freed in this world and is slave in the next, and he said, “You are free, so do not want yourself owned by someone like you, and the right of the soul.” I have a greater right than someone like you .

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And from that nothingness, what is it? Then understand from Chapter 416. He said, “There is nothing then except God and the possible things. God exists and the possible things are established. What then is non-existence?” And he said, “If not for the entities to witness the truth, then the existence of what was found from them would not be better than its nonexistence, and the existence of other than Him, and nothing is witnessed except what is then.” He said, “There is nothing that is included in the rule of negation from the impossible, and despite this, there is Presence that determines it, its conception, and its formation, and nothing accepts form and formation except that which is, then the impossible.” And all of this is intelligible, and every intelligible is restricted, and every restricted is distinct, and every distinct is separated from that from which it is distinguished, and then non-existence is not distinguished, then non-existence. And the theologians said that co

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