The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because of his ignorance of the eye, the people of God did not win except by his witnesses, not by his presence. All knowledge is one, even if the approaches differ and the goals are diverse. He taught the truth to whomsoever of His servants He willed from Him knowledge, and He gave him mercy from Himself, so mercy gave him judgment, so He interceded and ruled over the path, but the follower denounced him, so he loosed what he bound and removed what He stipulated, but he did not know his position and his lineage was not known. Yes, he knew what was in him. He was alive, but he forgot and he forgot. The positions of individuals are in violation of what is usual. Their affairs are outside the rulings of the Messengers and deviate from the paths they legislated, and they are on the paths like Al-Khidr and Moses the All-Knowing, and Hud, peace be upon him, said, “Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path.”

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And from that is the closing of the breasts in the breasts from Chapter 298. If it were not for the breasts, the hearts that are in the breasts would not have been blinded, and they have the right to be blinded because they are commanded to undo the blinded one and were bound by the specified deadline. She was in the presence of Sarah and things were clear with her. He gave her the roses in existence and said to her: “The truth is, your merchandise has been returned to you.” And I have not revealed to you except through you. These are your gifts that you have given me and your knowledge that you have given me. None has blinded you except you, and I am free from this and that. I am rich in your eyes and you are poor in your existence. When you came from me with your existence and you did not witness me in your eyes, you were blinded in your breasts to the one who brought you into existence, even if I testified to you. For the witnesses of the truth are not in control of the truth.

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And from that, He reveals the secrets in the beginning of the day, from Chapter 299, Issues of Councils, where the leaders and the great leader are the ones whose affairs are governed by the sitting ones. Even if he is the source of souls, the incarnated ruler, do you not see that the Truth has no control except in the affairs of creation, so He gives dominion to whomever He wishes and takes away dominion from whomever He wills and exalts whom He wills and humiliates whom He wills. So imagine that the will here is its conscience, the Most Merciful, and its conscience is only Who, and He is the essence of the universes, because we have previously established that what they were upon in their affirmation is the essence of judgment, so the universe gave him isolation, guardianship, glory, humiliation, guidance, and temptation, so he judged him according to what he gave him, and he was not fair or unjust. For what is best for the ruler and the neighbor is for the judge. Litigation and

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And from that is the persecution of the people of the night from Chapter 3 and < and < The power of the Living and Sustaining does not appear except in the creation of bodies, and then nothing but a drawing, and then nothing but a body, but the bodies are of different order, some of which are gentle spirits, and some of them are dense ghosts, and apart from the Truth, which is the method, it is mixing and mixing. The attributes and symptoms are subsidiary to this comprehensive body, for it is composite, and the composite is composite, and whoever wants knowledge in the form of the state, let him achieve the knowledge of imagination. In him power is revealed, and he is the one who illuminated his full moon, so it does not turn except in forms and does not appear except in the status of human beings, and by human beings I do not mean human beings, for I was attesting to myself of my bankruptcy, and I am a temporal scholar of my knowledge. With utensils, then there is nothing but a v

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Among that is the whispering in Observance of the Sun from Chapter 301. Voices are humbled before the Most Gracious, so do not hear anything but a whisper, when the earth was tamped with destruction and the mountains were covered with violence. So when the clear Qur’an is recited, listen to it and Listen, that you may receive mercy, for he did not speak words except for understanding. If the listener, the reader, immerses himself in his readings, then he bears witness. Of understanding is his innocence, and he misbehaved, so he displeased God, so he became angry, and whoever God becomes angry with , he is disgraced.

May God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He says, “Which of you committed it with me, and I cannot dispute the Qur’an ?”

What greater proof than this is the Messenger who possessed good manners? He brought the Book and addressed those of understanding, and it did not single out enemies or loved ones. Rather, the speech was generalized. Among us are tho

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Among that is the fetus in a liver until it is born, from Chapter 302 The fetus is in the darkness of its grief as long as it is in its mother’s womb. It is controlled by whoever slanders its father, serves him, and upholds his sanctuary, in order to repair the rupture of what happened to him, so he pardons whoever transgresses against him, and although he is in the broader position, what was deposited? There are only four in it because it is composed of four, so He entrusted it with sustenance, life, rank, and work, each part of it to one of its humors. He placed it in its abode. When the fetus knew that it was the place of every happy marriage and that it was in a joyful matter, it wanted to go out by seeking ascension and ascension, so He expelled it according to the natural nature that it had the first time before it was ejaculated in the womb. When He protected and had mercy, and gave him eyes, a tongue, and two lips, and guided him to help, and he knew what he was created .<

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