The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I turn away from you, even if your strength is weak, I will provide you with it and strengthen you, and teach you that no one has harmed you except you. Do not neglect yourself, for a glimmer of your sun has risen for you. He has made the day a livelihood and deeds a feather. So you must work and adorn yourself with the best deeds, and beware of the adornments of the world and the devil, and you must adhere to the adornments of God stipulated in The Qur’an

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And from that, the raid was launched from its effects from Chapter 292. Two opposites appeared in man. In him are saints as well as enemies. Policies continue to be enacted and raids are waged. Between a dead person and a prisoner, there is a good return. It is a wretched fate in which the war has revealed its stems and temptations have appeared in all its horizons, so calamities are returned and calamities are prepared for his actions. Limited, and his breath over him is numbered. Over him is an ever-present watchdog, driver, and martyr. Ever since God created him, he has been entrusted with His authority, and He has prescribed for him to say, “Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” So that he may turn, with the grace of God and His pleasure, to the abode of the animal, untouched by evil or misery, and upon his arrival he will receive the Holy Praise of Him, and he will receive his work with a calm face, not frowning, and he will complete it. He puri

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And from that is the evidence in the movement of the heavy, from Chapter 293. The matter is majestic because of the movement of the heavy, and it does not move except about an important matter and a significant matter, like the startling earthquake of the hour, regarding breastfeeding with excessive love for the child, and no one should blame anyone. Some of the early scholars said that the world is ever coming down to seek. By His descent from the one who created Him while He was alone, and the truth does not end with Him, from the first movement it was necessary for him to seclude himself from it, because it is great that certain distances be traveled to Him. So how can the imaginary drawings of His teacher and the hidden secrets of dark houses, and the Sunnah is not understood, because the imagination imagines knowledge of it, and the article, so where do you go or what do you seek? The one who knows it says to my father. Yazid, whom you are asking for, left him in Bastam, so g

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Among that is the non-existence of the universe in the appearance of the eye from Chapter 294 The Kaf, a gazelle, split the sky, and that was after the evening prayer, while I was in a state of annihilation, and its body was not diminished, while the Kaf was passing through its body, so I said the truth of the one who fell upon the All-Knowing in assigning the large to the small without widening the narrow or narrowing the wide. This position, which is inclusive of opposites, was stated by Dhu al-Nun, so I agreed with him, even if I had not understood it before this, so I thanked God for witnessing it and for what the servant had given him of knowledge of its existence. It is the rising eye in the entire universe. That is why we said about the essences of possible things that they are the manifestations of the divine names, and because the Kaf is proven in the state of rising, we say that certain entities are proven. If it were not for the created things, then beings would not hav

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And from that, no one witnessed the degree of status except the one who sent him from the door 295 The servant is the place of adoration and the night is the time of manifestation and then nothing but your temple, for it is the night of the dark, so its light illuminates it and the marked robe becomes a glorification of it. And when he descended to his bed and the angels were gathered around his throne, the heart prostrated to him forever and was not raised. His head after he prostrated, for that reason he made prostration close to him and singled out for it the one who loved him, and the arrogant one will prostrate, even if he is arrogant as he is one, and if it is many, then his rank gives him, so do not be obscured by what you see of his dealing with those errors of souls and the tangible veil. When the pillar exploded, the spirit dawned, and he was a messenger of revelation, he removed accusations, drove away oppression, and made clear quality and quantity. How many things lik

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Among that is the ruling on the Tablet and the Pen from Chapter 296. The Tablet asked for someone to cure it of its cause, but the Pen cured it with what was deposited in it, for it is the field of sciences and the place of drawings. The sciences therein are detailed, and they were in the Pen as an entirety, and the Pen did not detail them, nor was it one of those who knew, but rather the oath was his movement to detail the generality and open the door. Closed, it is not an attribute of perfection that there is generality in God’s knowledge, and generality in meanings is impossible, and the place of generality is words and sayings. So if His servant’s statement is made his statement, then it is characterized by generality and it is an attribute of perfection. Then for every station there is an essay, and for every knowledge there are men. The perfection of the knower is his knowledge of detailing knowledge. And whoever is most beautiful is only perfection. If he intends that as ev

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Among that is the knowledge of the illiterate Prophet, from Chapter 297: The Messenger of the Heir, the Prophet, and the Messenger of the Prophet, the royal spirit, and for those with specialization, the divine revelation from the specific aspect, and it is in general, but the understanding does not reach it. There is no person except when the truth addresses him with it from him and narrates it from him, so he says such-and-such has occurred to me, and he does not know from whom. Where

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