The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In order to express gratitude, even if gratitude were to be determined, the deception would be removed, and there would be no effort, and there would be no virtue. Whoever gives thanks is deception. Therefore, God associated increase with gratitude because of deception in it, so He entrusted it with the increase, and He addressed that to His servants. He said, “If you are grateful, I will certainly increase you. And if you disbelieve, then indeed My punishment is severe.” And He did not say, “I will diminish you, so give thanks for more for the sake of truth and servants.” If the servant gives thanks for the truth, his work increases, and if the servant gives thanks, the truth increases him beyond his hopes, according to the words of God, addressing His servants, for those who do good, goodness and an increase, which is the reward for gratitude, so do not feel safe from deception.

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And from that love is a clash from the door 239 The fire of love is not extinguished, and its tears are not exhausted, and its anxiety is not far away, and its burning is not far away, in the dust it sleeps, even if it is accompanied by a clash, then love is the desires of humiliation to the lover who is in love, and his condition is conditional upon him, and his soul is eternally captured and not happy, and his knot with the comforts of wishes is his noose. Dissolution hastens to it, and even if it is abiding in its disappearance, it is like a shadow when it comes, and like a short-lived person when he wants to collide, a fire that burns and is ignited by the desires, but it is extinguished by the whims that follow it, so they join it with desires. For this reason we have ruled that colliding with the adjective between lovers is due to love .

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And from that desirer is a student from Chapter 24 and < How much is there between the desire for him and the desire for him, a chosen servant and a servant who is not chosen by eternal care with eternal happiness and disappointment that preceded, and all of that is true, the most deserving of what the servant said, and we are all your servants, so combine the expelled and the chosen ones, and whoever obeys and whoever refuses is in the slavery of retaliation, no. In the bond of specialization, there is a servant whom God reconciles between him and his opponent and makes him happy, and a servant who commands him to Hell with His justice and judgment and keeps him away, with the statement of unworthiness and the separation of reconciliation. Both of them are sinners, and they are not the same. Then he came out with intercession and did not remain with the group. That was only for what was said in some poems: Water and fire did not meet except for the command of great people, and fr

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Among that is reaching Tawassul from Chapter 242 Virtue for one who seeks to God the means to work, and if he does not work, he can attain what he has despite it being what he has achieved, what will be achieved as a result of the work for someone who did not work, except for the one who worked hard and was not lazy, and as for laziness, he does not reach it and does not reach it. Effort and what is upon you is that you are not characterized by existence, you are the existent, and if you do not know to the fair taster why he did not work the ignorance of the scale, then he is ignorant of what he found due to lack of knowledge of the weights, and what is known of what happened to him by exerting effort of existence is knowledge of taste that can only be eaten from above, and if he eats from under his foot, its weight will be from Acting upon someone like him, knowing his ability and knowing his purpose, so work on establishing the books and through him you will attain ranks .

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And from that ecstasy, it is lost from Chapter 243: Ecstasy suddenly opens the door, and if it is about presence, then it is a veil. He who did not find did not find, no, rather, he who did not find did not find. The evidence of generosity is giving and the proof of justice is giving credit, which is the most complete according to people of determination. God only gives the credit that He gives. He said in it, “And seek from the bounty of God.” For these effects, altruism was impossible for him, for God’s giving is all bounty and is the highest of all gifts. Whoever prefers it over himself is the loser, and if he is saved, then he abandoned the first when it came to him to seek refuge. If he were a believer, he would know that he sold his soul from God, and what was sold to the one who bought it, and God’s right is more worthy. It is the right of creation, but the lawsuit led him to this calamity, so he was called influential and distinguished as influential, and the neighbor is m

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Among that is whoever bears witness and finds, from Chapter 244, what has occurred to existence except he who has abstained from existing. Whoever sees the universe with an independent eye is the owner of a cause and not the owner of a bee. He who says of causes except the one who says that the world has not ceased, for I am the knower with antiquity, and he has no antiquity in psychological and existential necessity. He only has the second level, which is the eternal and eternal.

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