The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And that is why God preserved us in a period like ours *** and made him infallible among the messengers without a doubt .

The poem in its entirety is mentioned in the beginning of Chapter Thirty and Three Hundred of this The book

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The order of this chapter is what we mentioned regarding the levels of breaking customs. As for what is in it of oddities, it is the joining of humans to the spiritual people in form, and the connection of the spiritual people to humans in form, and the appearance of an image of them similar to the form in which they are represented. God Almighty said, “Then He appeared to her as a normal human being, called a spirit, just as Gabriel is a spirit, and he gives life.” The dead, just as Gabriel revives. Ibn Abbas said: Gabriel, peace be upon him, never stepped on a place on earth except that he revived that place. That is why the Samaritan took a handful of his footprint when he identified it when he came to Moses. He knew that if he stepped on it, he would revive whatever things he stepped on, so he took a handful of the Messenger’s footprint and threw it at the calf. The one who did it brought that calf to life, and that was a casting of Satan into the soul of the Samaritan, becaus

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Indeed, the people of the night are people who descend, and people who move, and people who travel.

So whoever ascends toward the station with determination *** and whoever descends seeks to catch up at the bottom.

By virtue of being low and descending, they and *** exist. Promotion and education in isolation

If you say of them that they are the best group*** you are right, for they have come to the most honorable house.

And if you say about them that they are evil young men *** then you are telling the truth. They are neither the Prophet nor the Guardian.

They are of no concern. They are not by them or by others *** but they are in a shaky stronghold

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Know, may God support you with a spirit from Him, that God made the night for its people like the unseen for Himself. Just as no one bears witness to God’s action in His creation for the veil of the unseen that He sent without them, likewise no one witnesses the action of the people of the night with God in their worship of the veil of the darkness of the night that God sent without them, so they are the best group. In the right of God, they are evil young men in the right of themselves. They are not prophets, legislating what was reported regarding the closing of the door of prophecy, and none of them are said to be a saint because of the association with the name of God. So they are said to be saints, but they do not say that about themselves, even if they were given good tidings. Then He made the night a garment for its people to wear, so this would cover them. Protecting themselves from the eyes of the Gentiles, in their nightly solitudes, they enjoy their beloved and communic

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