The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Fire is like light in burning. They have witnessed *** to that matter, my master has not worshiped

Everyone accepted him and everyone accepted him. *** He has control over us whenever we respond.

The first horse to act when he commanded but he refused and the first to criticize prohibition from prohibition. And the age of disagreement in coalitions did not end, so he demonstrated the opposite so that the beloved could be known from the hateful. He complied. The matter is what makes him miserable, and what befalls him is what he feared. He swears by evil, opposes guidance, and does not leave anything in vain. Despite his being characterized by fear, he does not stop treating him unfairly. So if one of them inclines toward his Lord obediently, and the door of his happiness is knocking, no one knocks well, and the truth is his sight and hearing. If he hears, he listens, and if he liste

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Among this is the secret of light in concealment and manifestation from the tenth chapter

The sun is shining, the sun is burning *** With its light, it is a light whose wisdom is fire

And no one worships it except his uncle's brother *** An ice scar that has traces in the heart

The lights shone when they shone, and objects were distinguished by them, so they separated, so signs replaced expressions. Some of them wander and wander, and some of them rule and open them. For each eye there is a known position and a decreed limit. Some of them are symbolized and some of them are understood. They shave their souls as they wish, and in whatever form they wish, they transform. They are the blacksmiths and the veil, and for them is the appearance and the veil. Indeed, this is an astonishing thing. They exaggerate the takbir and surround the bed. They have the lofty position and thei

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And from that is the secret of opening through marriage from the eleven chapters

In existence I am a door *** and on it is a lock

For I am hubby with the face of *** and with the face I am worthy

The saying is from the one who says that there is marriage in the listener, so the meaning of what is said is the same as what it is from the hearer, so the appearance of the lamp appeared. Orientation is a reason Speech and formation are based on designation in the apparent place, to descend the inner to the apparent, and this is a marriage between the meaning, the sense, the complex matter, and the soul, to bring together the dense and the subtle, and by it there is distinction and definition. And if the composition of the meanings contradicts the composition of the letters, it is like the opposite of knowledge and what is known. Then the marriage matter is descended from the op

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And from that is the secret of the round floor and leveling on the bed from the Twelve Chapters

We leveled on the bed for a reason *** It is a round and the round is the whole of its being < /p>

Then things turned around for us and became confused *** when we were saddened by his solitude and his paradise

Eternity is around a heart and that is why it varies in forms and fluctuates if there is no rotation Time would not have appeared, even if it were not for colours. The two events would not have occurred. With the repetition of the chapters, the rule of principles will last, and with it will be the appearance of blessings here and in the abode of peace. The abode of the bed is only to surround the beings with the knowledge of detail and management, so He handles matters with Himself and bestows on them what suits them of His gifts, for the treasures are with Him and in His hands

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Among this is the secret of the thrones and the bearers of the throne from Chapter Thirteen

In the thrones I exist, and the existence of the thrones is My Throne

p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> If you were an imam *** the universes were my brush

Spirits and images reclining on beds, objects, and levels. They have paths and doctrines. Spirits and images are between angels and human beings. Hands and angels to hesitate between the eye and the eye, from nowhere to where, from where to nowhere, and from where to where .

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