The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If _ _ _ Someone attained him in terms of his upbringing *** We have people who have God’s goodness in thought

If the Creator had not directly created His image *** No creation of possessions would have known what I would know

You meant to us the faces of the angels prostrating *** when they contained us of spirits and images

Therefore, we change its conditions forever *** whether that matter is beneficial or harmful

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Its owner is called Abd al-Batin. God Almighty said: He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, so the inner is specific to us just as the appearance is specific to Him. And if He has the inner, then He is not inner to Himself nor to Himself, just as He is not apparent to us. The inner, with which He described Himself, is only in our right, so it is still hidden from Him. Our perception of it in sense and meaning, for there is nothing like Him, and we only perceive the parables that we are forbidden to give to God due to our ignorance of the proportions by which they are parables. And since the stomachs are the places of formation and birth, and from them appeared the essences of the generators, the truth is characterized by the inner, saying that from its being inner, the world appeared from it, so we were inner in it. So take this as a mind, not an illusion, for if you take it as a mind, correct knowledge will accept it, and if you take it as an imagination, it w

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