The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He says, “He takes pleasure in death as he enjoys eating honey, and this reference to it is rich for those who look and gain insight. And God speaks the truth and He guides the path. ”

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Life is the life of the heart, not the body*** like a taste that the Most Gracious has sent down into my mind

And people have nothing but their bodies *** for they have a chain of transmission for it

so they perish and there is no mind to stop them *** from it, even if they are in the clear and definite < /p>

And none of them is rational in his behavior***And they are not the ones who sell wrongdoing with righteousness

Temptation is a principle for them, and therefore *** you see them as being indifferent to the existence of truth

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Its owner is called Abd al-Hayy, which is a divine epithet. God Almighty says, “There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting.” And God Almighty said, “And the meaning of faces is for the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting,” and since “the Ever-Living” is one of the attributes of the Living, He accompanied it in the remembrance with the Ever-Living, for every known thing is living, for the known is the one who gave knowledge of it to the world by it. Even if it was nothingness, it would only give life its characteristic, but most people do not know because they do not see, so life is to the living as the light of the sun is to the sun.

Everyone who witnesses it has his own enlightenment ** Her enlightenment about Him is what she envisions

in it, and the ruling on the matter is what she decides *** She gives what she gives and what she repeats.

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To the Self-Subsisting, I seek no one but Him *** I cut off a fight in it, otherwise

Perhaps I will enjoy the goodness of what I see *** It disappears with us and is transmitted

If thoughts kill my self *** Their thinking will inherit them as imagination

It is followed by, when you walk towards Him, *** without thought, prayer, and communication.

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Its owner is called Abd al-Qayyum, and since Qayyumiyah is one of the attributes of the living, it is associated with him, and she is not mentioned unless she is with him, so she is the Self-Subsisting over every soul for what it has earned. For every known thing is living, for every known thing is Sustainable, i.e. He has Qayyumiyah, and so is he, for if he were not Sustainable, he would not have given the world his knowledge, and with his knowledge he has given the world. His creation because He only gives him His knowledge in it, and His knowledge in it was from Him, so it must appear in His existence through His creation without addition or subtraction, and it cannot be anything but such-and-such, and for this reason Moses said, “Our Lord, who gave everything His creation,” so he declared the comprehensiveness of His knowledge, and that was not for Pharaoh despite his claim of divinity. So Pharaoh knew what they said and remained silent, and it became clear to him that it was

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