The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because His Most Beautiful Names demand of us *** what we have brought in the truthful report

And I am not a king whose faces are difficult for us *** when angels and humans appear

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Its owner is called Abd al-Mu’eed, because God Almighty initiates and restores, so beginning and repeating are two rulings for him, for he did not repeat anything after it had gone, except that in creating the proverbs, he returned to creation. He, the Almighty, is the restorer, not that he brings back exactly what was gone, for it does not exist because It is broader than that, for it is the restorer of the state in which it was described. There is no existent created by the Truth except that it has finished creating it. Then that existent looks at God Almighty and has returned to creating another eye. This is how it is always and forever. For He is the Creator, the Bringer, the Originator of everything, and the restorer of its affairs, like the one who rules over a matter. If the essence of that ruling has ended with regard to the person who was sentenced, then he has finished looking at it and he returns to ruling in another matter, then the ruling of repeating it is in

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Indeed, the one who gives life is the one who gives life *** is like spreading a garment from one fold .

So when it was said to me, “Long live” *** I said, “My Lord is the one who gives life”

And He is my master and my support *** and the remover of adulthood by the extreme

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> And if you come with questions *** it will give me more nights

I am not in good condition. And in gentleness *** whenever you are called for something

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Its owner is called Abd al-Muhyi, and he is the one who gives life to everything. Then there is nothing but the living, because there is nothing except the one who glorifies God with His praise, and none glorifies Him except the living, whether he is dead or not, for he is alive because life for things is an overflow of the life of the Truth upon them, so they are alive in When it was established, even if it were not for its life, I would not have heard His saying, “Be with the words that befit His majesty,” and so it was. Rather, He was giving life because the life of things is from the overflow of the Name of the Living, like the light of the sun from the sun spreading over places, and things did not disappear from Him, neither during their establishment nor during their existence, so life for them in both cases is accompanied, and for this reason He said. Ibrahim, peace be upon him, does not like the departing, for God is not one of the departing, and the Living is one of His n

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