The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And other foods and water, in terms of their identity, have one quality of goodness and taste, so look at what the stain has affected. This is also the case with the spirits blown into bodies of pure, holy origin. If the place is of good temperament, the spirit will become more good, and if it is not good, it will become impure and will become by virtue of its disposition, so it is sent. God, those who are His successors, are the purest of people in status, so they are the infallible, so they only add good to the perfume. And other than them among the caliphs are those who follow them, and they are the heirs in status, deed, and word. And among them are those who have some imbalance, and they are the disobedient, and among them are those who have a lot of that imbalance, and they are the hypocrites, and among them are the disputing and warring, and they are the infidels and polytheists, so he will be sent. God sent them messengers so that they would be excused from their own souls

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Trust by truth, destroy it and confirm it *** For truth is between implementation and proof

If it were not for existence, and if it were not for the secret of His wisdom *** He would not have been worshiped in Al-Uzza and Al-Lat

The matters with which He restricts me *** are pleased with them. Even in the present and the future

Indeed, he who has gone to his place of reference *** because of his illnesses and pests

By God, if I had known myself whom I had assigned ***, I would not have rejoiced in death when it came.

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Its owner is called Abd al-Haqq. God Almighty said: After the truth, there is nothing but error, and nothing but creation, and error is confusion, and with creation appeared the rule of error.

So the essence of the existence of truth is light. Verified *** And the essence of the existence of creation is a shadow that has a consequence.

The truth is the essence of existence, and creation is its absolute restriction, so creation is a restricted restriction, so God does not rule by it, and the truth is the ruler, and it does not rule except by the truth, so the truth of the truth is the essence of the creation, so I dispose of it, and the matter is as we said, and it is not called creation except With what is created from it, creation is new, and it contains the reality of creation, because you look at it from one point of view and say, “It is truth.” And you look at it from one point of view, and say, “It is creation,” and

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