The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There is nothing in the universe except intercession, so see *** For the Lord is the one who raises up.

Whoever understands what I said about him *** has insulted his partner, and polytheism is humiliating

For this right, after taking into account it *** He will, by His mercy, leave him in heaven

In the abode of Hell, He did not take him out of it*** and He gave him blessings with it out of gratitude

So be an individual, and be a string that you will cherish *** and do not be one in which there is an eye

You will strike the string if you think about it *** And the individual has status and position

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> And do not look at the Most High One *** for

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Indeed, the Companion is the one who is gentle *** and he is the knowledgeable and realized Imam .

So if you speak about God as an interpreter *** He attributes to the names what will be fulfilled

If the Companion is the Companion *** then do not incline to anything other than the Companion.

You will win by being ahead of yourself and investigating it *** He will show him the meaning of the path

The signs of meanings *** struck my heart with their precise meaning.

And it was certain that every thought would reach *** because its coming was a flash of lightning.

And I said to my friend, “Wait a minute, I will see her condition at sunrise ”

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Its owner is called Abd al-Rafiq, and he is the companion’s brother in evidence. When the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was informed of his death, what he said and nothing was heard from him except the Most High Companion, for God Almighty was his companion in this world and God Almighty learned from him that with the coming of dawn he wanted to return to his throne from the lowest heaven to which he descended. During the night of his natural upbringing, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not want to leave his companion, so he moved on his journey and departed on his journey. That is why he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said “companion” and did not say anything other than that, because man was created in a place of need and helplessness, so he asks for someone to help him, so when he found the truth, he was a good companion, and he knew that being kind to him is true. It is the ease that exists in the world, and if it is added

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