The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The division falls between us and Him, and He is the master, the agent, the mover who tells us in our saying, “Behold, we worship” and similar things that he added to us. He taught us that our commandments are in His hand in our standing, our bowing, our prostration, and our sitting, and in our speech. The servant says, “Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.” He says, “God, praise me.” My servant, as a favor on his part, for from what he said with this word, and what he estimated even with the words of the master, my servant said, and I said to him, “This is a drawn veil, so the servant should know that God has a hidden deception against His servants, and each one devises it according to his knowledge of his Lord, so he receives this divine honor starting from God and included in his blessing, so if he prays He recited and said, “Praise be to God.” He says it as a story in terms of what he is commanded to do, so that his servitude in his prayer is valid. He does not wait fo

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We did not inherit from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding this position, the door of which was closed to us, except what we mentioned about the True God’s care for those to whom it was revealed and who was blessed with the knowledge of conveying revelation by narration from the Book and the Sunnah. What a noble position is the position of the people of narration among the reciters and hadith scholars. May God make us among those who specialize. By quoting it from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the people of the Qur’an are the people of God and His special people, and the hadith is like the Qur’an with the text, for it, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, does not speak out of desire. It is only a revelation that is revealed. Among those who verified this position with us is Abu Yazid al-Bistami. After asking and pleading, he revealed to him something like the piercing of a needle, so he wanted to He put his foot in it and it was burned, so he

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There are levels of people in this matter, so the servant should not add this name to anyone other than himself. If God unleashes the tongues of creation upon him, saying that he is a guardian of God, and he sees that God has given him a name that God Almighty gave to himself, then he should not hear it from those who call him by it except as meaning the effect, not the meaning of the subject. Until he smells the scent of slavery in him, the structure of Fa’il may be in the sense of the agent. We said this for the sake of what He, Glory be to Him, commanded us to take as a representative in what is His and of which we are appointed successors. For in such a thing there is hidden deception, so beware of it. It is sufficient from the divine warning that protects against deception that you are commanded to do so, so comply with His command. And take him as your representative. Do not call yourself king, for God is in charge of you, for he said, “He takes charge of the righteous,” and

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