The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From the bliss of knowledge and knowledge, and from what animals make of food, drink, clothing, marriage, and transportation, and every tangible bliss, so I rejoiced in the status, the place, the position, and the home. This is the winning money and the saving trade that does not perish. May God make us and you from those who attained the rank of martyrs in good health and safety, and died the death of happy people, so they gained reward and light. And enjoying the two bliss in the abode of residence and pleasure, for it is a trade that will never fail, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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The closest creation to Him *** is His servant, if you know.

That he is He knows the secrets of *** as well as He knows the open ones.

Do not say that you are ***, and keep my excuse in God.

I am a slave who is close to me, like my magic.

He is my soul. ** Anguish due to tightness in my chest.

Hazrat Al-Aqrab is the highest of the presences *** and it is specifically for the people of periods .

It is a nearness in which there is a dimension to that which *** was said to be full of stumbling blocks .

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Its owner is called Abd al-Aqrab and Abd al-Qarib, for God Almighty is closer to us than our jugular vein. And God Almighty said, “Indeed, I am near. I respond to the call of the supplicant,” and He said, “Indeed, He is All-Hearing, Near.”

So he is near by his descent from the Throne to the lowest heaven, as He told p.


And it is closer, for it is with us wherever we are. It is called the closest relative, for it is closer to us than we are, because the jugular cord is from us, and the connecting cord is more connected, for there is no connection except through it. Through it, we hear, see, stand, sit, want, and judge. These rulings are not for the jugular vein, for it is closer to us than the jugular cord. The jugular vein is the end of the jugular cord from us to which it has come, the same ruling as the veins in that it is the stream of life and the flow of blood. Then God Almighty established closeness in us because we were created in His image, so We reveal

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