The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then he knows the wisdom of that matter and knows his ignorance of the interests, and this is common in the world. The person becomes dissatisfied with a matter that does not agree with his purpose or consideration, and attributes, for example, the ruling by it to injustice. If the benefit of that ruling with which he was displeased becomes apparent, the dissatisfied person returns to thanking God and thanking that ruling and the ruler for What he did, God made him repel that great evil, which had it not been for this ruling, that evil would have befallen the condemned person, and this happens a lot. The ultimate goal of the knowers is that they know in general that what is apparent in existence and reality is that he is in the grip of divine wisdom, so discontent and boredom disappear from him, and submission and entrustment to God takes place in him. All matters are as they have come, and I entrust my affairs to God. Indeed, God sees the servants. This is the ruling of wisdom fo

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon Muhammad and his family

However, Wydad is stability *** in a situation that is shaken by the diaspora < /p>

And a place of *** unites us and him, if the features appear on the face.

A valley with which I cannot live, and a land *** adorned with flowers and plants.

The flowers of sons when you see them *** on His throne, and so are the daughters. < / p>

If they fear, morning *** will make them safe, and nothing will frighten them except the nightfall .

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Its owner is called Abd al-Wadud. God Almighty said about the companions of this Presence, He loves them and they love him, and He said, “Then follow me, and God will love you.”

And in the authentic hadith, if God loves His servant, his hearing, sight, hands, and feet, and his powers are constant to him and do not fade, even if he is blind and mute.

The attribute exists behind the veil of blindness, muteness, and deafness, so it is constant love from its being affection. This attribute has four states. Each state has a name by which it is known, and they are passion, affection, love, and adoration. The first thing that falls into the heart and its arrival is called passion, from the desire of the star when it falls, then affection. It is his steadfastness, then love, which is his purity and salvation from his will, so he is with the will of his beloved, then love, which is his wrapping around the heart. It is taken from love, the thorny ivy that wraps around the g

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