The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Pride is on his face, so it never rises. So if we see the truth, whenever we see it with our eyes, we see it from where it does not see us, just as he sees us from where we do not see it. He sees us as slaves, we see him as a god, we see him in him, and he sees us in us, and whatever he sees us in him, we do not see him in him. Rather, it is the general vision and the vision of the elite that they see him in him. And He sees in them that He is the One who preserves their goodness in order to benefit them and benefit those who benefit from them until we know who is below Him. He is the Protector and Preserver. And when preservation spread throughout the world, He said, “Indeed, there are guardians over you,” and He said, “And those who guard their private parts and the guards.” And he said, “And those who guard the limits of God, so their limits were every eye in the world in terms of what it is a guardian.” Something is determined by the truth, and that is why he described himself

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