The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The detail is whoever of His servants he wishes, which is what was leftover from the milk in the cup and happened to Omar, because whoever drinks from that surplus, he will live with it where he drank it. Therefore, Omar was without any other name. This is an expression of his dream in full, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Omar ibn Al-Khattab has special regard to that. A description of his specialization in sleep by name and image, to the exclusion of other Umaris and Companions who do not have this name. Every sustenance is provided for. As for the moral or sensory sustenance, according to the division of moral and tangible sustenance, and from this presence, the Almighty’s saying: “And We will certainly test you until We know.” So until we know the sustenance of the test, that is, God’s being from the test, it is the knowledge of establishing. The proof is that the ultimate proof is for God, as He declared about Himself, so He said, “To God belongs the ultimate pro

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Hazrat al-Fattah for conquest and what *** a person knows about what is opened for him

Indeed, the Lord of creation is in goodness and in every evil reality He has made beautiful.

Perhaps a person knows him, but he does not know the command he has revealed.

Then the person may know it and he does not know the thing that was created for him .

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The owner of this Hadith is called Abd al-Fattah, and it has a form, meaning, and isthmus. No one attained it to perfection except Adam, peace be upon him, with the knowledge of names, and Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, with the comprehensiveness of words. Other than these two people, what was mentioned to us, and from this Hadith was revealed, “When God’s victory and conquest comes, and indeed, We have given you a conquest.” Clearly, I was in the city of Fez in the year five hundred and ninety-one, and the Almohad soldiers had crossed into Andalusia to fight the enemy when his rule against Islam became widespread. I met a man of God, and I do not praise anyone before God, and he was one of my most loyal friends. He asked me what we should say about this army. Will it be conquered and victorious this year or not? No, so I told him what you have on that, and he said that God has mentioned and promised his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, this conqu

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