The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And if he reproaches him in a disrespectful manner *** then he will accept the reproach that was received

For He knows what is in it in response *** and He knows what is on the threshold intentionally

If matters are blocked in their paths *** no one can open them except the one who finds them

If the qualities in his creation had not appeared***, I would not have loved money or children in them

Nor did I take the presence of my family as my residence *** nor did kings nor the powers become my support

These demands have been justified in their demands *** and not Only those who bear witness know it.

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Know, may God support us and you with a spirit from Him, that when God differentiated between what the universe deserves of attributes and what the self deserves of attributes or divine aspect, He magnified among those who know this the attribute of the Truth, so wherever they saw Him they tended to Him, beginning with His glory whenever it appeared to them, so if the knower is reproached for that, he accepts the reproach. There is a specificity and he did not repel it. Whenever a divine attribute like that was revealed to him, he also confronted it and glorified it. If he was rebuked, his condition in it would be the same as the first situation. If the rebuke in every attribute is repulsed from itself, then he is not a possessor of taste. Rather, he is a possessor of analogy in the way, so he will never be distinguished among the servants of specialization. For if he repeles This is a factor in describing the truth as something that is not appropriate, and here the feet of a grou

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And know that the Mighty King among his people has not come to you or descended upon you unless he has left his tyranny behind his back, or your tyranny with him is greater than his tyranny. In any case, he has descended to you, so you descended upon him.

His status in himself, with which he is pleased, is Wise, and God did not blame His Prophet regarding the blind and the servant except in the presence of both groups, so in the aggregate the blame occurred, and with it I say not in isolation, for the glorification of kings and rulers is part of the glorification of your Lord and the glorification of the poor is redress, nothing other than for their brokenness in their poverty. If the poor are among the poor on the road, then this is not reparation for him, for his poverty and brokenness will not be removed from him by your glorification. And your acceptance and your acceptance, for the one who is witnessed is only his Lord, but redress is only for the poor from God, so th

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If it appears to the one to whom it appears, that manifestation will shock him

And if He took charge of the one who took charge *** that assumption will destroy him

And if he takes care of whom he took care of *** his light is that drop.

I said what you heard *** By God, sir, so tell me

When I saw what He was revealed *** The eye of my shadow bore witness to Him.

Who is mine if there is no other than Him *** and not my eyes? Tell me, who is mine?

God is none other than Him *** in every opposite and every proverb

And every genus and every type*** and every connection and every separation

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Know, may God help us and you, that the matter in manifestation may be contrary to the order of wisdom that you have known, and that is because we have explained the readiness of the encounters and that there is no prevention, but rather a permanent abundance and an unprohibited giving. If the one being manifested was not prepared, that readiness would appear to him, and this so-called manifestation would not be valid. That he had this manifestation, then he should not have crushed or shocked him. This is the statement of the objector to us. We said to him, “Oh, this is what we said of preparation. We are on that truth. He is always manifested.” His right is not without the fact that he also has the willingness to remain at the time of manifestation, or he does not have that. If he has that, then he must remain, and if he does not have that, then he has the willingness to accept the manifestation, but he does not have the willingness to remain, and it is not valid for him to have

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