The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Those who remember every condition of their Lord*** are the people of every virtue in the world

They bear witness to no one but Him with their own eyes. *** They are the kings of eternal existence.

They stood up for the rights of God, not for their rights *** whether one was lying down, sitting, or Standing

They attained perfection and no one else had *** This position of God is the Ruler

For them to contemplate the relation of His description *** to their existence and the existence of the whole world

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Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that the origin of creation is a state of slumber until the Truth raises it up, either for sitting down and receiving a share of mercy. God Almighty said, “And you were dead and He brought you back to life,” or for standing up so that He would receive a share of the sign of His Almighty’s saying, “Is it then who is in charge of every soul according to what He Sabbath, says God God Almighty, the Most Gracious, ascended above the Throne, and God said, “There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting.” The scholars among our companions differed regarding the creation of the Qayyumiyah. Is it correct or not? For us, it is valid to adopt the Qayyumiyah with it, like all names. God said, “Men are guardians of women by what God has bountiful.” I met Abu Abdullah bin Junaid when he said: To our visit in Seville, I asked him about that, and he said it is permissible to be associated with her, meaning by the name Al-Qayyum.

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Plowing is both praiseworthy and blameworthy plowing *** and you are plowing it and the provision is divided

Do not plow for this world, you are abandoning it *** If you plow for it, then you are blameworthy

Do not plow for what is perishable, for you are not its *** And plow for what remains of it, for the matter is understood < /p>

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