The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Considering her judgment carefully *** In every case he stops

So look into it and stop *** And for the sake of truth, do not deviate

You will find the secret is open to her *** And for this reason the transgressors know

And for this reason they violated its sanctity *** and claimed that they had exposed

They had wronged themselves and were concealed * ** About God’s will when they acknowledged

And the hope is a reality where it came *** From God’s words about Him, so they stopped

When I said it, describe *** with hope as it is described

That it is with the one who thought it was. *** Think go

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God’s limits are His rulings regarding the actions of those who are accountable, so no limit of them exceeds them except for another limit other than a divine limit that He does not exceed, and the soul of His transgression to it is the same as His transgression into it, so He rules on matters other than the ruling of God. It is necessary for that, so see how amazing this is and the rulings of God that are His limits: obligation, prohibition, dislike, and recommendation. And it is permissible for every person who acts with movement and rest, so his action must be in an obligatory, prohibited, recommended, disliked, or permissible manner, and it is not devoid of this. If his action is in an obligation that he must do by omission, then he has transgressed the limits of God by abandoning what he is obligated to do. If he abandons it on the basis that it is not obligatory for him to do it, then he has transgressed the limits of God by abandoning what he is obligated to do. In this cas

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