The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So he described them as listening, then he mentioned what happened to them when they heard, and he said, “You see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they recognized of the truth.” So he told that they believed and told that God Almighty rewarded them for their faith in what was mentioned in the verses. So do not say about someone who did not answer that he heard, so you contradict God in what He told about them. God Almighty told about them that they were deaf, and He told about them that they said, “In our ears is deafness.” So their saying, “In our ears, deafness,” matched God’s saying that they were deaf and did not hear, so they did not return, for they did not understand what their ears heard, and whoever heard from them heard nothing but a supplication and a call, which is his saying, “O so-and-so,” and he did not hear more than that. How great is God’s mercy toward His servants while they do not realize it. Rather, I saw a group of those who dispute the bread

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Fear God, O people of understanding *** from the knowledge of its signs in the door

Do not think about itself, for it is ignorance *** and stick to what you see behind the door

Of the adjectives that appear to it and adjectives *** they are her veil and the eye of the veil

I don't know who says by thinking about it *** it does not reach the heart.

The one who said that he had contained it *** was still lost in return .

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Know, may God grant us and you success, that the like of this is his saying, and the clothing of piety - that is better, and it is the clothing that conceals what conceals and prevents from harm, and it is what is more than feathers, so piety is in clothing and provision is what a man uses to protect his face from asking other than God, and likewise in clothing is what protects. With it a person cools the air and heat, and it is a cover for his private parts, which is his saying, “He hides your secrets, and nothing is except what harms you that is seen from you.” This remembrance came with the word “provision” and the command was mentioned with it. So teach us, “We are a traveling people who cut off watering holes during the winter and summer journey, to be fed from hunger and to be safe from fear, because it is nothing more than your protection.” It is yours and what is not yours, do not carry its weight and become tired with it, and the least fatigue therein is your account for

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