The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In it is our end

We said the same as what they have *** and they have the same as what we have

So look at His words *** and you will find them clear

For by Him we have been captured *** and by Him we have revealed the truth

If you did not know*** it, you would be a believer

And if you You taught him *** You still know us

So when God associated us with His angels in our inability to know Him, We added to them the form and joined them in the outward appearance with the forms with which they appear in the afterlife in our outward appearance just as we appear with them today inwardly, so we will be like their upbringing. In the afterlife, the angels do not have an afterlife, for they do not die and are resurrected, but they are s

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If you are called, respond, God is calling you *** for he has not called except that He gives you.

You are rich, so find what He has given you *** Whatever is in agreement with the truth, the Most Merciful will take care of you

And everything that is contrary to the truth, discard it *** in consideration, for Thought is Nadika

And do not say, "It is not from my Lord" and abandon Him. *** Indeed, the One who knows the face of the matter will come to you.

Indeed, God has deception against a group *** of His creation, so it is confirmed in its meanings

And do not say, “This does not fall within the balance o

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Know, may God help us and you with the Holy Spirit, that there is no clearer evidence in the Qur’an that the perfect human being is created in the image than this mention, due to the inclusion of the L in His saying and the Messenger and in His command, the Almighty, to whomever He signs among the believers by responding to the call of God Almighty and to the call of the Messenger, for God and His Messenger do not call us except When He revives us, let the answer be from us in every situation if He calls us, for we are in no state except from Him, so we must respond to Him when He calls us, for He is the One who raises us up in our conditions. Rather, here is a separation between the call of God and the call of the Messenger so that we may verify from that the image of truth that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. In both cases, he is the caller to us. If he calls us with the Qur’an, he is a conveyer and interpreter, and the supplication is the supplicati

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