The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

A command that removed her judgment from his creation*** so I learned from him my personal caliphate

I am the one who stands out in the perfection of my caliphate *** from him, and that knows every death

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Know, may God help us and you with the Holy Spirit, that the revelation specific to this remembrance is that you gain from it a taste of the fact that the believers are guardians of one another, and the believer is a name for God Almighty, and the believer is a name for man, and it has spread in guardianship among the believers. He is the guardian of those who believe in his bringing them out of darkness into the light, and there is nothing but bringing them out. From knowledge of them to knowledge of God

He says whoever knows himself knows his Lord

So he knows that he is the truth, so the knower brings the true believer with his guardianship that God has given him from the darkness of the unseen into the light of witnesses so that he bears witness to what was unseen. To him, so he gives him the fact that he was witnessed and he did not have this ruling from this person before this. This is for the servant to assume this degree from the fact that the truth has th

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Know, O my guardian, that the darkness of possibility is the worst of darkness, for it is the essence of pure ignorance. So, if God takes charge of His servant, He brings him out of the darkness of this ignorance, which is possibility. There is nothing but his looking at himself that is devoid of his looking at the One who took him over. Thus, this taking over takes him out of the darkness of his possibility into the light of the necessity of his existence, which is what is described as necessary. So he took it out of it for Himself and differentiated between the obligation that He decreed for God and the ruling of obligation that we have by adhering to it, so God Almighty made it obligatory for Himself and our obligation by Him .

So we shared in the obligation *** and we separated. In the restrictions

Then we were saddened by existence *** We have no limits

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So the guardianship of the servant is his Lord and the guardianship of the Lord is His servant in His saying, “If you support God, He will help you,” and between the two states there is a subtle difference, so God Almighty made his victory a reward and made the level of creation to you, just as he gave you knowledge of you over knowledge of it, so that you may learn from where he taught you, so you may learn what his knowledge about you was like, because he said, “And We will certainly test you until We know.” We mentioned in the book Al-Mushahid Al-Qudsi that he said to me, “You are the origin and I am the branch.” In many ways, he taught him about us from us, not from him. So look, for here is a very mysterious secret, and it is with most observers, not from us. Our occurrence implicated them in that, and the revelation gives what we mentioned, and it is the truth that we cannot ignore, and when he asked me. About this word, the Mufti of Hijaz, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abi Al-S

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