The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Since He is on a straight path, part of their good life in this world is that even if they call people to God, they call them with the tongue of others, and they witness whoever hears their call from among the supplicants, and whoever rejects the invitation from them, they do not feel pain for that response, but rather they enjoy acceptance. Their bliss is the response. The situation is not different for them and the reason for that. Their witnesses of the truth are the Divine Names, and their witnesses of them are a blessing to them. So whoever calls upon what he calls except by a Divine name, then the name is the one who invites, and whoever rejects or accepts, then does not respond, and does not accept except with a Divine name, then the name is the one who accepts and returns. This person is always in a good life with these witnesses, and whomever God has hidden from the witnesses of this station. It is of course painful and of course pleasurable, and it is the greatest blessi

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Every person is a mate of his own *** and therefore a mate of his own sex

He is a whole and she is a part, therefore *** his pairs of his soul are many.

And so is the day that brought him into being. *** he only brought him into being from his yesterday. < /p

And therefore He came in His image*** in the opposite of Jerusalem or in His holiness

Do not look for the sanctity of someone *** as if your eyes were worthless.

And therein is its balance. Do not pay attention *** to what you see from his companion.

It only brings comfort to the one who does not have *** with you to the crowd that is in his family.

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God Almighty said in a verse like this, and it is part of the completion of this house, and its owner will enter it into his exodus, and do not grieve for them, and lower your wing to the believers, and say, “Indeed, I am the clear warner,” alerting him of that against himself in his warning. And your Lord has provided for you what He has given you of what you are in your time, and what He has not given you while it is yours. It must reach you, and it is only delayed by the temporal time that is his and what is not yours does not reach you, so you exhaust yourself as you coveted what you did not desire. What I mean by our saying that it is yours is only what you obtain according to the divine limit that He has permitted for you, and if you obtain it in a way other than that limit, then you have not attained what you have. It is yours from the aspect of truth, but you attained what is yours from the aspect of nature, and what is meant in this world is only what you obtain from the

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