The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Life is bliss, so whoever wants to obtain it before death has committed a sin

Except for bliss with his Lord and His witnesses *** for He is what is hoped for in perhaps and in perhaps

with the One who investigates and is designated for guidance *** and facilitates the matter that is in me as it may be

The One, the individual, whose existence *** does not take anything other than the dominant as a sociable person .

And He is the One whose station is with God *** since He was one of the lowest of creation in sitting.

God Almighty says, “I am the companion of whoever reminds Me ”

And sitting with the Truth is It is required by the status of that remembrance, whatever it may be

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Know that the servant’s intention is better than his action, and intention is a will, that is, a special attachment in the will, such as love, lust, and hatred. The servant is under his will, and his will is not devoid of either being aware of what is intended or not. If he is aware of it, he only wants what suits his nature and achieves his purpose, even if If he does not know what he wants, he may be harmed by it if it happens to him. If he observes the truth, the original natural will, yes, every seeker only seeks what pleases him, not what will harm him, but some of the intenders are ignorant of the way to that, and some of them know it. The knowledgeable avoids the path of what displeases him, and the ignorant has no knowledge, so if what happens to him happens to him. It pleases Him, by accident, by looking at it, and by God’s divine care for it. God Almighty described Himself as not belittling anyone’s will. What was meant was what was, and it is known that the natural will

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And know that the life of this world is nothing but its bliss. So whoever misses out on any of its bliss, it will not be fulfilled for him. And God does not mention anything except that He will give him work. This is the bliss of work and his patience, which we mentioned, over stumbling in the place of assignment and the bite of a flea, and if he does not believe in the Hereafter, God will grant him what he requires of that. Work in the life of this world. God has never given anyone a sincere life in this world, nor is it a reality. If every desire were to happen to him, it would be .

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