The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If he believed that every direction to which God’s face was entrusted, he would be an infidel and ignorant. However, it is not permissible for him to transgress in deeds as God has legislated them, and for this reason the laws differed. What was forbidden in one law was made lawful by God in another law, and that first ruling was abrogated in that ruling. On him by another ruling in the eye of that convicted person, God Almighty said to everyone who made us a legacy and a juvenile It is for you and no You follow inclinations, which is contrary to your law, so it leads you astray from the path of God, and it is what God has legislated for you specifically. If you know this and it is established for you, you will know that God is one God in every law, in form and multiplied in form and universe. The rational evidence multiplies it despite its differences in it, and they are all true and their meaning is true, and the manifestation in forms also multiplies it. Because of their differ

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I am with what I still have *** and we are no longer running out, so we can stay

We shared existence equally ***, so he had good luck and we had good luck

in him, so see if I said, “I ***” then we are in him, so we have praise


We saw him without my name, alone *** honest and not forbidden by the meeting

When it was called, the *** disappeared from us and the cover was left behind our eyes.

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God Almighty said, “God is the light of the heavens and the earth. To Him belongs goodness.” He said, “Good words ascend to Him.” He and we have merit by ascending to Him. And He said, “And there is nothing but with Us are its treasures.”

We and what we have are with Him *** and what we have is not with us

And what God has is everlasting. We said, and what we have is permanence, even if what we have runs out from us, it will not run out from Him, and what God has is better and more lasting, and what He has God is the only one who knows, and God is better and more lasting than those who are with Him. This is what God Almighty said in His Book: better and more lasting, because if the world’s existence is described by its permanence, and if we keep it as it is with its rulings appearing in the essence of existence, then it has permanence, and in any case it is still within the degree of possibility .

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