The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

These two women cooperate. Who will help the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and support him? He is God, Gabriel, the righteous of the believers, and then the angels after that. This is only due to a difference in the reason for which the cooperation occurs. There is a matter that cannot be removed except by God, not by a creature, and for this reason He commanded us to seek help from God. In things, and by patience in things, and by praying in things, know that, and then it was a command, and if it was in the hand of God, then God gave Gabriel the power to repel that matter, so he helped Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in repulsing it. If they cooperated in it, and if they retracted it and gave the right from their souls, then He remained silent about them as we remained silent, and it was. They have command before and after, and it is a divine attribute, because their movement moves whoever moves, and because of their rest, the rest of t

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As for the ninth pole that is on the foot of Lot, peace be upon him, its surah is Surah Al-Kahf, and it has infallibility and holding fast, and its ranks are as many as the one in which it is infallible. From everything that leads to bad manners that keeps its owner away from the mat, his time is eternally preserved for him, and he is taught the knowledge of holding fast, and God has appointed him and limited him to two things: holding fast. With it, glory be to the one who said, “And hold fast to God,” and the other to hold fast to His rope, which is the Almighty’s saying, “And hold fast to the rope of God all together.” Among the people are those who hold fast to God, and among them are those who hold fast to the rope of God. He said that holding fast to the rope of God is the same as holding fast to God, and this pole combined these two holds fast, and the difference between the two holds fast is that the rope of God is the way. What takes you up to Him is like His saying: To H

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As for the tenth pole that is on the heart of Hud, peace be upon him, its surah is Surah Al-An’am, and it has perfection and completeness in the lengths and its positions in the number of its verses. This pole has many sciences, including the knowledge of the merit that every creature deserves in its creation, and the knowledge of the ranks that creation deserves. As for the deserving of creation, His saying: He gave every Something He created. As for the ranks, the warning about them is from the Almighty’s saying: “And they have not estimated God according to His value. O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion, which is to increase it over its level or subtract from it. And the rational world is distinguished from others only by giving each thing its right and giving each thing its creation.”

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