The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Reporting from the attribute of speech means reporting in relation to his being a speaker by defining the path in which the happiness of the servants is determined by knowledge, so the divine speech made clear by translating it from knowledge what he designated of that, so the obligation was based on the relation, for they are different proportions, and so are all the other divine proportions. Of will, ability, etc.

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We have explained the discussion of the Divine Names, their debate, and their competition in the arena of debate over the creation of this world, which is all that is other than God, in the Book of the Phoenix of the West, in which we published an eternal lecture on eternal origination, and also in the Book of Creating Tables and Circles for Us. You have learned how to attach the divine obligation to Divine Presence, if you are discerning in the knowledge of lineage, and based on this, the Almighty’s saying comes out: On the Day We shall gather the pious to the Most Gracious as a delegation, and how will He be gathered to Him who is His companion and in His grip? Abu Yazid al-Bistami heard a reader reciting this verse: On the Day We shall gather the pious to the Most Gracious as a delegation, and he cried until tears hit the pulpit. Rather, he narrated that blood flowed From his eyes until he hit the pulpit and shouted and said, “Oh, it is amazing how someone who sits with him can

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And know that the reason for these men’s preoccupation with knowing the intention was that they looked at the word and in it, and they knew that its letters were not combined and combined except for the appearance of a standing structure indicating the meaning for which it was combined in the term. So if the speaker pronounces it, then the listener’s concern is in understanding the meaning for which it came. This is how the benefit occurs, and that is why it was found in that tongue in this special situation, and that is why these men do not say by listening restricted to tones due to the height of their aspiration, but they say by absolute hearing, for absolute hearing does not affect them except the understanding of meanings, which is spiritual, divine hearing, which is the hearing of the great ones, and restricted hearing only affects its companions, which is the tone. Natural Hearing: If someone claims that he hears meaning in hearing restricted to melodies and says that if th

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