The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because they strayed from God and His Messenger, it was he who revolted against them, so they committed evil against themselves as the one who had good morals committed against them. Whoever is exposed to a matter, he would love for him to be exposed to it in it, so you did not do to him in your lack of affection for it except what he liked, and good morals cannot be achieved unless you do to a person what He loves you because he first hated you for your belief in God and the Last Day and took you as an enemy. Among the honors of your character towards him is that you are kind to him regarding his faith. If that does not work, then you must meet him with oppression. If he does not do so, and you are able to kill him, then kill him with virtues of character towards you, so that he does not remain in the life of this world. He will increase in disbelief and transgression, so God will increase his torment as The act of one to whom God testified that he was merciful, while he was Khid

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Know that God did not give you faith nor illuminate your heart with His light, so cry for yourself or laugh, so you have no choice in the afterlife. This is your balance within yourself, and you know yourself and what comes to you in it, and for this reason

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said In the correct opinion, a man may do the work of the people of Paradise in what appears to the people, for this thought appears to God on his part, which inflames him .

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