The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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There is no doubt that the disobedient have minds, but they are not worthy of prohibitions, so their attributes differed, as each attribute gives a type of knowledge that is attained only by one who has that attribute. So God did not mention them in vain. God mentioned verses in the Mighty Qur’an in abundance, in places He added them and recited some of them after another, and He added the attribute of the knowers. With it and in places where He singled it out, such as placing some of them on top of others in their course in Surah Al-Rum, he would still say, “And of His verses, and of His verses, and of His verses,” and all people would recite them, and only the types of people whom He mentioned in each particular verse would pay attention to them. So those verses were in the right of those verses revealed and in the right of others just for the sake of recitation. To rent it

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And when I read this Surah while I was in the position of this class, and I came to His saying, and among its verses are: Your sleep by night and day, and your seeking of His bounty, I was completely amazed at the good organization and collection of the Qur’an. The day is for seeking bounty, and the night is for a dream, as he said in the stories. And out of His mercy, He made for you the night and the day so that you may rest therein, so He returned the pronoun to the night, and that you should seek His bounty. He wants it in the day, so it is implied. Although the two pronouns refer to the intended meaning, the manufacturer may work at night and buy and sell at night, and he also sleeps and rests during the day, but in most cases the pronouns refer to the intended meaning. In matters, he is considered to be a successor for me from behind the curtain of this verse, and it is a good expression of it that lifts its cover, and it is his saying, “Your sleep during the night and the d

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It is that God warned with this verse that the physical emergence of the afterlife is not similar to this worldly emergence, and that it is not the same, but rather another composition and another mood, as mentioned in the laws and prophetic definitions regarding the mood of that abode, and if these essences are undoubtedly the same, then they are the ones that are scattered in the graves and spread. However, the structure and mood vary with symptoms and qualities that are appropriate for that abode and not befitting for this abode, even if the image is the same in the eyes, hearing, nose, mouth, hands, and feet due to the perfection of upbringing, but the difference is between some of them that he senses and senses and some of them that he does not feel, and since the form of creation in the afterlife is similar to this form of upbringing. He did not feel what we referred to, and since the judgment differed, we knew that the mood differed. This is the difference between sense per

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Then God Almighty said, “And among His signs is your sleep by night and day.” He did not mention wakefulness, and it is among a number of verses. So He mentioned sleep but not wakefulness in the state of this world, so it indicates that wakefulness does not occur except at the time of death, and that a person is always asleep unless he dies. So he mentioned that he is in a dream by night and day, in his wakefulness and sleep, and in his sleep. The news is that people are asleep, and when they die, they wake up .

Do you not see that he did not mention the “ba” in the Almighty’s saying “and the day,” and he was satisfied with the “ba” of the night, to verify with this contribution that he meant a dream in the usual state of wakefulness, so he deleted it, which strengthens the aspect that we highlighted in this verse, so a dream is what is. In it, the sleeper is in his state of sleep, and when he wakes up, he says, “I saw such-and-such,” which indicates that a person is in a

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The common people do not normally know sleep except what is customary to be called sleep, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, alerted him. Rather, he stated that a person is in a dream as long as he is in this world’s life until he wakes up in the afterlife, and death is the first state of the afterlife, so God believed him in what he said in the Almighty’s saying. Among His signs is your sleep at night, which is normal sleep and during the day, and it is this dream that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, made clear. That is why he made the world an example, a bridge that crosses, that is, it crosses just as the vision that a person sees in his sleep, just as what the dreamer sees during his sleep is what he wants for himself, but it is It is intended for something else, so it expresses from that visible image in the state of sleep to its intended meaning in the waking world when he wakes up from his sleep. Likewise, man’s condition in

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