The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The reward for the message is certain *** but on God who uses it

This is the justice carried out by *** notables who still require it

Pardon and beautiful reconciliation remove what *** was a right on Who rules it ?

Pardon, if you dedicate it to smallness and pardon *** God is a treasure for those who ask Him .

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God Almighty said, “Whoever pardons and makes amends, his reward is with God.” And God Almighty said, “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrator to God and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has fallen upon God, and God has told in His Book about each of the Messengers.” He, peace be upon him, said to his nation: “I do not ask you for any reward for it.” In what he conveyed from God to them, my reward is only from God, for He is the Most High who used it in conveying it. Know that God Almighty has grace upon His servants by guiding them to believe in His Messengers, so it is obligatory for them to thank God and for the kindness of the Messenger, so God guarantees it on their behalf by making the reward of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and including that reward. What sweetness is obligatory upon the believers for what God has guided them with, so He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, placed him in the status of one who has double

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Know that the reward for conveying the message is proportional to the amount of hardship he endured in conveying the message from those who opposed him from among his nation to which he was sent and for what he endured, and the amount of that is not known from every messenger except God, and it cannot be determined. As for what he gives of what the believers should have reciprocated him with, it is of two types.

The one type is based on their knowledge of the status of those to whom He sent him, which is God.

God Almighty has favored some of them over others, and the second type is based on what he brought in his message, which is good news for the owner of that quality that is of If she did it, he was happy with God, and that man should not have reciprocated him with it. He is the one who gives him the truth. If the believer’s condition equals the value of the message, that is, even if his condition falls short of what that message requires of glorification, then

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So his reward from God is according to the amount of the motive that sent him to emigrate, and people differ in that regard. Then God acts on behalf of His Messenger in what He gives him of reward, for he went out as an emigrator to God and His Messenger. Then he has the reward of missing out on the death that he has attained, and that is from God, for He is the One who has provided him and has come between him. And between reaching his migrant, the blood money is due upon him. If the one who dies is knowledgeable and rational, then it is greater than meeting God and seeing Him. Whatever happens to him when that happens to him by death, it is better for him than for him to live until he arrives, for he does not know as long as he is in this worldly life what conditions change over him, for he is in a position. A danger that is quick to change, and it is authentic on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in this section what Al-Bukhari narrat

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