The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And progress, and whenever he is able to influence others, he influences him, and he finds in himself the desire for all of that and his love. This is because God created him in His image, and to Him belongs glory, pride, and greatness. These rulings are interpreted in the servant, for they are rulings that follow the image in which man was created and require it. The men of God are those whom He did not dismiss. He created them in the image from poverty, humiliation, and slavery, and if they found this matter that their creation required in the image and they must appear in it in the places in which the Truth appointed for them to appear, just as the Truth did, which has this characteristic of a psychological nature, it does not appear in it except in specific places and it appears by descending and endearing to Him. His servants, to the point that it is as if He were in need of them in that, and He places Himself in their place. And if the truth is in this capacity that it is re

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And behind God there is no place for an archer. ***This is the truth that is not right.

This is the place of truth, do not transgress *** It is forbidden in this place

If you reach my brothers, return *** This is the existence of what has an end

Your return from him to you is nothing but the eye of the seer and the imam .

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