And behind God there is no place for an archer. ***This is the truth that is not right.

This is the place of truth, do not transgress *** It is forbidden in this place

If you reach my brothers, return *** This is the existence of what has an end

Your return from him to you is nothing but the eye of the seer and the imam .

" lang="en-GB" /> And behind God there is no place for an archer. ***This is the truth that is not right.

This is the place of truth, do not transgress *** It is forbidden in this place

If you reach my brothers, return *** This is the existence of what has an end

Your return from him to you is nothing but the eye of the seer and the imam .

"> “ Chapter Four Hundred and Ten: On Knowing Your Competition, and indeed to your Lord is the final end, so take pride in Me and be happy. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Four Hundred and Ten: On Knowing Your Competition, and indeed to your Lord is the final end, so take pride in Me and be happy. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 13 من الجزء Four

And behind God there is no place for an archer. ***This is the truth that is not right.

This is the place of truth, do not transgress *** It is forbidden in this place

If you reach my brothers, return *** This is the existence of what has an end

Your return from him to you is nothing but the eye of the seer and the imam .


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