The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

As for reminding him of the days of God, they are the days of breath. In fact, they are the least of the things that can be called a day, and that is to remind him of His saying, “Every day is in a matter.” These are the days of God, and you are heedless of them, and they enter into the content of the Almighty’s saying. Indeed, in that is a reference to His saying, “Every day is in a matter.” A matter other than that is a lesson for the one who has a heart, that is, for the one who has understanding of the fluctuations in conditions or the conditions changing upon him, so he knows from that the affairs of the truth and the realities of the days in which the truth is in a matter. The matter is one and the same, and the events are many different in which this matter varies with its diversity and differences, so it is from God one and in forms. The world is many, like the one image in the many mirrors, and the many shadows from one person on the many lamps. This is the matter, or he

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The sterile is that which necessitates that he should not be born from it, so he does not have a birth like him. It is called sterile because there is no day after it at all, and it is from the day of the week, Saturday, which is the day of eternity. Its day is a light for the people of Paradise that will last forever, and a night of darkness for the people of Hell that will last forever, and for this reason they will die. The people of major sins in it are those who go out of it after punishment to Paradise, since there is no eternity in Hell except for its people who are its people.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: As for the people of Hell who are its people, they neither die in it nor live in it, but are people who were afflicted by the Fire. Because of their sins, God caused them to die in it.

The hadith, which is authentic, so they sleep in it so that they do not feel the fire when it touches them when it dominates the instru

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